For the Healing of Dogs

Prayer to San Roque: For the Healing of Dogs

If your pet is sick or lost, today we will help you by presenting you with the best prayers for love, health and protection. Each prayer to San Roque is effective to heal that faithful friend you have at home, it is also effective for your lost pet to return without difficulty or be found safely.

Prayer to San Roque

According to some historians, San Roque was a charitable man always at the service of others. On one occasion, helping those affected by an epidemic, he caught it, so he decided to hide in a forest in France so as not to infect others.

Alone and sick in that place, he received a piece of bread that a dog named Rouna or Melampo brought him daily, who also frequently licked his wounds. Melampus’ aptitude caught the attention of his masters who set out to follow him to find out what he was doing with the bread.

This is how the dog took them to where San Roque lay sick, when they recognized him they took him to his rooms to heal his injuries. Already healthy, San Roque continued helping those most in need.

Therefore, San Roque is revered as the Patron Saint of Dogs and is symbolized together with a dog and an angel. Consequently, he is prayed for the healing of this animal when it is affected by health.

In addition, numerous miracles related to the healing of people who have suffered an epidemic are attributed to this saint, in the story that is narrated below you will be able to know more about this aspect.

Prayers to San Roque for the animals

As was well said in the previous section, San Roque is the guardian of dogs, hence the majority of prayers are directed to supplication for this faithful friend of man.

However, its intervention can also be requested to cure any other animal or to find it in case it is lost. Below you will find several prayers that pursue this purpose.

Powerful Prayer to San Roque For Sick Dogs

Oh, generous Saint Roque, You who by the grace of God helped those who fell ill with the plague, You who miraculously responded to the pleas of your devotees, today I beg you with all my heart to heal my dog ​​and faithful friend (name of dog), deliver him from this strong health breakdown that has him discouraged.

Most excellent San Roque, Patron Saint of dogs, restore my faithful friend to health and make him recover the energies and joys that have always characterized him. So be it

Great, San Roque, You who know the loyalty of dogs, You who were helped by one as noble as mine, I beg you to guide the veterinarian with your holy hand so that he heals the wounds and saves my fervent from his illness. (dog’s name);

I wish in the depths of my being to play again and do all the activities that we always did together, by the power that God gave you heal him. 

Prayer to San Roque to Find a Dog

Oh, San Roque, be charitable and compassionate, You who by the work and grace of our Lord were found and sustained by a faithful dog, You who thanks to that animal were able to continue your pilgrimage.

In the name of our Holy Mother Mary, I come to you, I prostrate myself before your immaculate image, to beg you to protect and support my faithful companion (Name of the dog), who has lost his way and could not find him.

San Roque, Patron Saint of dogs, you who love them help mine, provide him with this food, shelter, shelter, health wherever he wants, keep him away from danger and evil people, I beg you that your protection does not lack.

I cry out to you Mighty Saint Roque so that my dog ​​finds the way to his home and returns safe and sound, and if someone else found him, it makes his heart restless to return my beloved pet, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Prayer to Protect Pets

Pets are important in the family, that’s why we must love and protect them at all times, this prayer to San Roque is real to ask for his protection.

In the name of the Lord God almighty, creator of the universe, of everything visible and everything invisible; I approach you San Roque, pious saint who loved your neighbor and who excessively loves dogs

I come to you to cry out for my pets and for the pets that are helpless, so that you protect them at all times; intercede for me before God, so that he may pour out healing and strength in my life and may, like you, watch over all the animals, may it be him providing what is necessary for their sustenance, for their shelter, for their health

Saint Roque, Patron of Dogs, I ask for your protection for all the animals in the world; may your immense mercy cover my pets so that they are always with me, so that they never lack food, so that they never get sick; I trusted you and I thank God the Eternal Father for your assistance. Amen

The following video shows another model of prayer to San Roque to ask for the protection of pets. Don’t stop watching it.

 Prayers to San Roque for human beings

San Roque, in addition to feeling a special love for dogs and animals, also greatly esteemed human beings, so much so that he dedicated his life to serving and caring for others, primarily those infected in epidemics.

That is why, in addition to protecting animals, he also intercedes for us before Almighty God. In this sense, we present several prayers to cry out to San Roque to present our prayers before the Father.

Prayer I

Merciful San Roque, pray for us sinners, intercede for our forgiveness. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Blessed Saint Roque, You who are at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, pray for us sinners. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Blessed San Roque, in the name of the Most Holy Mary and in the name of all the Saints, express our prayers so that God hears our cries from your own mouth, and in the name of his son Jesus Christ we can thank you for all glory. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

The holy cross, seal our forehead. The holy cross, seal our mouth. The holy cross, seal our hearts. Lord, keep us from all plague, we ask you for the cross that San Roque I love so much, for the holy cross that freed many from the painful epidemics. Pray for our weaknesses, Holy Roque to reach and enjoy the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Oh, God, You who sent your Angel with the written tablets for the Glorious Saint Roque, gave him a word of healing and protection against all pestilence to all those who humbly cry out to him, on this day acclaiming his blessed presence, we pray that Let us remain clean from all pestilence in body and soul, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

Prayer II

Oh, Merciful San Roque, You who renounced all honor and wealth, that your love for God was greater than all your goods, give me the necessary wisdom to be submissive before our Lord and before my fellow men; help me to treasure spiritual values ​​to reach the graces of God forever.

Blessed, San Roque, I beg you so that my foot does not stumble on stone and guide me along the path that leads to eternal life. Oh, Clemente, San Roque, keep my body from all damage; may your grace pose over my petitions for the glory of God, our Savior. Amen

Prayer III

Oh, my God, Dearest Heavenly Father, You are a loving and generous father, and with such affection you punish our weaknesses, we get sick and die because of polluted air that brings pestilence to our lives, so that we recognize you as our Lord and Savior and attain eternal life.

To you San Roque I pray for your divine intercession, that the power of God cover me and keep me, my family, my home, my community and this entire nation from infecting us with any plague, pestilence, virus, or disease I pray for health of body and spirit to praise and bless you eternally.

And to you, Oh, Compassionate Saint Roque, who was infected with pestilence, that your body suffered what other bodies suffer, you patiently endured all these calamities, and your being was strengthened to continue compassionately helping those who are in equal affliction.

I beg you that your merciful eyes turn to see us, that your ears listen to our fervent supplications, so that as much as possible we may be freed from death, and allow our spirit to remain incorruptible, so that at the hour of our death we reach with you and let us enjoy eternal joys forever, through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer IV

Merciful and Faithful Saint Roque, impeccable example of patience, kindness, and vocation of service to the sick. You who renounced riches to dedicate yourself to the works of the Lord, we pray that you intercede for us to follow your example and obtain divine favor against all natural infection or alteration of good practices.

We beg your protection and charity, trusting in your prompt help just as you helped the poor when you were among us. 


Eternal Father, Sovereign God, You who through the mediation and virtues of the generous San Roque, Your Confessor, put an end to the pestilence that anguished humanity in another time.

We beg you submissively that by your divine grace we are worthy of our interpellations, we trust that by your infinite goodness you will protect us from suffering such scourges, cover us from this evil and from everything that can disturb us, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reign forever and ever. Amen.

To end…

As you can see, the prayer to San Roque is effective for both animals and humans. In the current moments that the population is affected by a pandemic that has caused numerous deaths, it is appropriate to ask this saint to remove it from our lives.

For this reason, we recommend that you watch this video, in which you will find a powerful prayer to San Roque to help us in the fight against Covid-19, let us join our prayers asking that this infection be eliminated soon.

Prayer is a tool that has power, every word we say with faith will be heard by God, so let’s make chains of prayers, not only to pray that there are fewer infected, but also so that the anguish that has oppressed us ceases.

We can also pray for those who are suffering from this evil in complete solitude and for those who are outside the country, far from their families and friends, so that the Lord and Saint Roque protect them from all evil.

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