Why Should You Pray the Rosary for the Dead?

Why Should You Pray the Rosary for the Dead?

The Holy Rosary for the Dead is a prayer that is performed when the person who dies is a loved one, friend or acquaintance of the family, which has to be done in front of the body of the deceased. In this article you will know everything about how it should be to perform this prayer of the Rosary for the Dead.

Rosary for the Dead with All the Mysteries

On this occasion we will know everything related to the Rosary of the Dead, it is a very long prayer, which can be done in 3 different ways:

In the first place, it is practiced using the present body of the deceased, in the same way it is suggested to continue praying after the person has been buried, the duration will be for several days. It is important to point out that on the day that corresponds to recite it, the mystery assigned for that occasion must be prayed.

Another of the techniques is the case of people who have already died previously, in this type of circumstance it does not matter how much time has passed. For this reason, it can be done for a day or even a full week.

There is also a form of donation, this consists of asking for the welfare of the soul of the person who died.

In general, the Rosary of the Dead contains the following parts:

1.- Joyful Mysteries (Must be done on Mondays and Saturdays)

2.- Sorrowful Mysteries (corresponds to Tuesday and Friday).

3.- Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday).

4.- Luminous Mysteries ( Rosary for the Dead on Thursday ).


These types of rosaries or Rosario for the deceased are prayed before the body of the person who has died, that is, during the wake and in the cemetery or novenario. If it is not possible to do this, or to be able to attend the mourning, what is best is to do it as a family or personally, despite the distance, in order to intercede with the Holy Mother for the person’s soul. The days after the exhumation begin with the novena.

The joy of the Mother is to be able to look at her children all united in Love and become the consolation and intercession for the brothers. The Holy Mother is the one who prays with us to the Our Father, with her Son and the Holy Spirit, at the moment and at the hour of death.

At the moment of invoking her, in the Holy Rosary, she intercedes for the deceased so that they achieve eternal rest and also perpetual light in heaven, which is what our Lord has promised us.

At the moment of praying, one dialogues and rests in the Peace and Joy of the presence of God our Lord, since he is present when 2 or more people gather in his name to cry out to him. In order to offer this Holy Rosary, he lets forgiveness cleanse them from mistakes, as well as from grudges, debts and separation. You must listen to the Mother of Heaven, who made men brothers in Christ and asks, as at the Wedding at Cana:

“…do whatever He tells you to do.”

John 2:5

Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)

We are going to present a little prayer of the joyful mysteries.


Dear brothers and sisters, at this moment while we piously carry out the gesture of watching over (say the name of the person who died) we must ask God with faith, to give peace to our brother or sister (say the name of the person who passed away) and may he reach his holy glory.

Let us pray that the mercy of God be present in him, (her), and that he may be freed, on the day of judgment; from all condemnation and in this way he is free from the punishments deserved for his faults, we also ask that he be reconciled with the Almighty God and thus be able to receive eternal rest. Amen.

Prayer to Offer the Holy Rosary

This Introduction was composed by Saint Louis Maria de Montfort, and should be done as follows.

At this time we join:

–To each one of the Saints, who are in Heaven,

–We also ask that unity be manifested to all the Righteous who are on Earth,

–and that all the faithful and pious Souls who are in this place; may receive the mercies of the creator.

–We unite with faith to Jesus, To render him all praise and adoration.

–For this reason, today we renounce each of the distractions that may occur during the Prayer of this significant and powerful Rosary, which we pronounce with great devotion, as if it were the last, let us pray the holy rosary together.

How to Pray the Rosary for the Dead

There are many ways to pray the Rosary for the Dead as the rosary for the dead, so we are going to discover through this article how to do it, what to do and what not to do.

Start the Rosary

With great devotion we begin by saying Ave María Purisima. Without sin conceived. These prayers are performed by a guide who is the one who leads the prayer and by the people who are in the place.

  • Guide:

At this time and at this hour by the sign of the Holy Cross, we ask you to deliver us from all our enemies, oh Lord our God. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Guide:

Oh great and powerful God, we ask you to put each of the words that you must express with faith and devotion.

  • All:

We confess that our mouth is the one that will proclaim your Praise my God.

  • Guide:

My God, I ask you to come to my help.

  • All:

Hurry oh Lord to help me. Glory be to the Father, Glory be to the Son and Glory be to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, in the present and always for all the centuries of the centuries Amen.

Sweet Jesus of my life, the Pledge of my Heart, at your feet I kneel and beg your forgiveness, I ask you for penance, grant me absolution in case this day or tonight your devotee arrives from this world this serves me of confession. May the Father give me all his Grace and the Son his Blessing, may the Holy Virgin come to comfort me in case at the hour of death I cannot manage to ask for forgiveness, so right now I ask you with a Act of Contrition.

act of contrition

Oh my Lord Jesus Christ, God and the True Man, the Creator, the Father and also my Redeemer for being who you are and because I truly love you above all things, it weighs heavily on my heart that I have offended you, for what I promise you. firmly with the help of your Grace that I will never sin, so I ask you to take me away from all occasions of offending you to confess and be able to do penance. Amen.

virgin mary

O Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and also our Mother, the Queen of the Holy Rosary! Trusting in your Kindness we approach you, to be able to honor your Name and at the same time to be able to comfort our souls.

Open for us, Lady, the Door of your Heart and reveal to us the Light of your Mysteries, contained in the Holy Rosary so that in these we can find Virtue for our Souls, Tranquility for our hearts, Peace for all our families, Health for the sick and Freedom for the Souls in Purgatory.

We ask that you especially help our brother (s) (say the name of the person) and that you grant us the joy of becoming your children in life and in death. Amen.

Father Clemente, we ask that the Soul of our brother (s) (say the name of the person) supported by the certainty that he will rise on the last day with Christ himself and also with all those who have come to die in Christ.

May your Merciful Heart be moved, for our brother (s) (say the name of the person) we ask you to open the doors of heaven to your child, and also to all of us, who remain in this world Please, my God, console us with the words of Faith, until one day we can all meet Christ and always remain with Him and with our brother (s) (say the name of the person) Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Mysteries that are going to be offered for the Eternal Rest of our brother (s) (say the name of the person) tend to be the following:

First Joyful Mystery: The Incarnation of the Son of God

“And the angel said to her: Do not fear, Mary, because you have found grace before God: you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. Then Mary said: Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, Be it done to me according to your Word”.

Luke 1:30-31 to 38

The Angel announces from God. For what is known as the High Mystery of the Incarnation.


We ask you to grant us, oh Lord, the continuous help of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God through the Announcement of the Angel so that at all times she becomes Our Advocate before your Divine Judgment, we especially pray for the Soul of the brother (a) (say the name of the person) who stands before your beautiful Presence.

Mary, just by naming you, the soul of your faithful receive the joy, with the hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary I begin the Our Father.

Our father

  • Guide:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • All:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

The Hail Mary should be recited about 10 times.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

These prayers are made after 10 Hail Marys. And then

  • Guide:

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • All:

As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen. For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, one of the very Great Purities, I ask you with all my heart, that Souls do not get lost or die without confession.

Oh my Jesus, we ask you to forgive all their sins that free them from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. Amen.

The Shroud _

Lord God, you came to leave us the Sign of your Passion and of the Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph himself you came to be lowered from the Cross of Calvary, therefore that we ask you to grant us, oh Merciful Lord, that by your Death and by your Holy Sepulture.

Also for the Sorrows and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Lady of your children may the Soul of the brother (a) be taken (you must say the name of the person) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is the same God forever and ever. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross your son Jesus named you the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to inhabit in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

Song: The Lord is My Light

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation,  The Lord is the Defense of my Life;

If the Lord is my Light,  who will I fear?

Who will shake me? One thing I ask of the Lord:

Dwell forever in your house,  enjoy the sweetness of the Lord

Contemplating his Holy Face.

Do not hide Your Face from me, Lord  I will seek Your Face all day long;

If my father and mother abandon me,  the Lord will pick me up.

Oh Lord! Show me the Way,  Guide me on the True Path,

I will enjoy the Bliss of the Lord,  in the Land of Life.

Second Joyful Mystery: The Visit of Our Lady to Saint Elizabeth

“And as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the Child leaped for Joy in her Womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she Exclaiming aloud, she said: Blessed are you among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb! From where to me so much good, that the Mother of my Lord comes to visit me?

Luke 1:41-43

This is the moment when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and there she comes to magnify the God of Israel.


Oh Lord, who cares for all of us who trust in you, we ask you to grant us the Grace of being able to be visited by the Virgin Mary in all our needs, especially we ask you for the brother (s) (say the name of the person) to May I become clean from all kinds of sin.

Mary just by naming you the soul of your followers come to receive great joy, with the great hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and also from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary we all begin the Our Father together.

Our father

  • All:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • The guide:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

The Hail Mary should be recited about 10 times.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

These prayers are made after 10 Hail Marys. And then

  • Guide:

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • All:

As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen. For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, one of the very Great Purities, I ask you with all my heart, that Souls do not get lost or die without confession.

Oh my Jesus, we ask you to forgive all their sins that free them from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. Amen.

The Shroud _

Lord God, you came to leave us the Sign of your Passion and of the Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph himself you came to be lowered from the Cross of Calvary, therefore that we ask you to grant us, oh Merciful Lord, that by your Death and by your Holy Sepulture.

Also for the Sorrows and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Lady of your children may the Soul of the brother (a) be taken (you must say the name of the person) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is the same God forever and ever. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross I named you your son Jesus the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to inhabit in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

Singing: Between Your Hands

My life is in your hands, Lord, in your hands I put my existence

You have to die, to live in your hands I trust my being.

If the grain of wheat does not die, if it does not die, it will only remain,

But if it dies in abundance it will give an Eternal Fruit that will not die.

It is my longing, my growing longing, in the groove with you to die,

And fruitful will be the seed, Lord clothed with Eternal Living.

And if we live, we live for him; and if we die, we die for him;

Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s, we are the Lord’s.

When a spike bears fruit, in the rays of burning heat,

Your Reign will have a new life of Love, in a Host of Eternal Splendor.

Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of the Child God

“And it happened that, being in Bethlehem, the hour of Childbirth arrived for Mary, and she gave birth to her First-born Son; she Wrapped him in Swaddling Cloths and Laid him in a Manger, for there was no room for them in the inn.”

Luke 2:6-7

The city of Bethlehem sees the Birth of the Good Redeemer, which the Angel sings to, the shepherd adores him.


The Star, oh Lord, revealed to Men your only-begotten son, do in the same way that through it your children may someday contemplate the splendor of His Majesty, so Lord we ask you for him or her brother (a) ( say the name of the person who departed from this world) so that he can contemplate your Face for ever and ever. Amen.

Mary just by naming you the soul of your followers come to receive great joy, with the great hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and also from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary we all begin the Our Father together.

Our father

  • Guide:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • All:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

The Hail Mary should be recited about 10 times.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

These prayers are made after 10 Hail Marys. And then

  • Guide:

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • All:

As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen. For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, one of the very Great Purities, I ask you with all my heart, that Souls do not get lost or die without confession.

Oh my Jesus, we ask you to forgive all their sins that free them from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. Amen.

The Shroud _

Lord God, you came to leave us the Sign of your Passion and of the Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph himself you came to be lowered from the Cross of Calvary, therefore that we ask you to grant us, oh Merciful Lord, that by your Death and by your Holy Sepulture.

Also for the Sorrows and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Lady of your children may the Soul of the brother (a) be taken (you must say the name of the person) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is the same God forever and ever. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross I named you your son Jesus the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to inhabit in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

Singing: There were a hundred sheep

There were a hundred sheep in the flock, there were a hundred sheep that the lover took care of;

But one afternoon when counting them all, he was missing one (2) and sadly he cried.

He left the ninety-nine in the fold and went looking for her through the mountain;

He found her moaning, trembling with cold, anointed her wounds (2) and returned to the fold.

This same story repeats itself: there are many sheep that still wander,

wandering in the world without God, without consolation (3) and without His forgiveness

Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple

“And when the Days of Purification were fulfilled, they took Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord, and to present as an offering a pair of turtledoves or two pigeons, as commanded in the Law of the Lord.”

Luke 2:22-24

This was the moment when the virgin brought her offering to the Temple; in the purity of her children in Don she left them.


Oh holy mother of God on this day or night we beg you oh Lord to help your children offer you with great love all their lives as our Lord Jesus himself gave himself as an offering in the Temple, you are asked to accept all the prayers and petitions of your children, as well as the praises for the Eternal Rest of the loved one (at this moment you will say the name of the person who departed from this world) and also for the forgiveness of all their sins. Amen.

Mary just by naming you the soul of your followers come to receive great joy, with the great hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and also from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary we all begin the Our Father together.

Our father

  • All:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • The guide:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

The Hail Mary should be recited about 10 times.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

These prayers are made after 10 Hail Marys. And then

  • Guide:

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • All:

As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen. For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, one of the very Great Purities, I ask you with all my heart, that Souls do not get lost or die without confession.

Oh my Jesus, we ask you to forgive all their sins that free them from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. Amen.

The Shroud _

Lord God, you came to leave us the Sign of your Passion and of the Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph himself you came to be lowered from the Cross of Calvary, therefore that we ask you to grant us, oh Merciful Lord, that by your Death and by your Holy Sepulture.

Also for the Sorrows and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Lady of your children may the Soul of the brother (a) be taken (you must say the name of the person) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is the same God forever and ever. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross I named you your son Jesus the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to inhabit in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

Song: Risen, Risen



Death, where is death?

Where is my death?

Where his Victory?

Thanks be given to the Father, who passed us into his Kingdom, where one lives on Love.

Joy, joy, brothers, That, if we love each other today, It is because he was resurrected.

If with him we die, with him we live, with him we sing: Alleluia.

Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Child lost and found in the Temple

“When he was twelve years old, they went up to the party, as was customary. After those days, when he returned, the Child Jesus stayed in Jerusalem, without his parents noticing him, and it happened that, after three days, they found him in the Temple, sitting in the middle of the Doctors, listening to them and asking them questions.

Luke 2:42-43 to 46

If sin makes me lose God, I will go to the temple and there I will find him.


Mary cannot manage to remain without her son Jesus, nothing can fill the Void of his absence, in the same way many people find themselves, oh Lord, due to the absence of their loved one (say the name of the person who departed from this world) however, many have their trust in you and they also know that how loving the Father is so soon you will have to welcome him into his Heavenly Abode.

Mary just by naming you the soul of your followers come to receive great joy, with the great hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and also from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary we all begin the Our Father together.

Our father

  • Guide:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • All:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

The Hail Mary should be recited about 10 times.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

These prayers are made after 10 Hail Marys. And then

  • Guide:

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit.

  • All:

As it was in the Beginning, Now and Forever to the ages of ages, Amen. For your Clean Conception oh! Sovereign Princess, one of the very Great Purities, I ask you with all my heart, that Souls do not get lost or die without confession.

Oh my Jesus, we ask you to forgive all their sins that free them from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your Divine Mercy. Amen.

The Shroud _

Lord God, you came to leave us the Sign of your Passion and of the Most Holy Death on the Holy Shroud, in which your Most Holy Body was wrapped, when by Joseph himself you came to be lowered from the Cross of Calvary, therefore that we ask you to grant us, oh Merciful Lord, that by your Death and by your Holy Sepulture.

Also for the Sorrows and Anguish of your Holy Mother the Lady of your children may the Soul of the brother (a) be taken (you must say the name of the person) to the Glory of your Resurrection where you dwell and Queen with God the Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit and is the same God forever and ever. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross I named you your son Jesus the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to inhabit in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

I sing: I lift up my eyes to you



As the eyes of slaves are Fixed on the hands of their masters, So are our eyes on the Lord.

Waiting for your Mercy. Mercy, Lord, Mercy.

That we are satiated with mockery; Mercy, Lord, Mercy.

That we are satiated with contempt.

Our Soul is sated, Of the sarcasm of the satisfied;

Our Soul is sated, Of the contempt of the proud.

Final Prayers of the Holy Rosary

Oh! Great Sovereign Sanctuary, the Mother of the Divine Word, the Virgin who frees from hell those who come to pray her Rosary for the deceased. The great Mighty Empress of Mortals Consuelo herself; We ask you to open Heaven to him, O Virgin, with a happy death and to grant him purity of Soul, you who are so Powerful.


Mary just by naming you the soul of your followers come to receive great joy, with the great hope they have of seeing you in their company, from the Ark testament and also from Peace joy, with the Name of Mary we all begin the Our Father together.

Our father

  • Guide:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • All:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

The Three Hail Marys

Mother who loves people so much, who is in heaven always praying for everyone; at this moment many beg you that the day they die pious in your arms be taken to you. In the early hours of the morning when many get up from their beds, the first sigh is for you and they pray the Hail Mary for you so that in the rest of the day that they are going to have you will always remember them.

  • Guide:

Hail Mary Most Holy Daughter of God the Father, the Most Pure and Chaste Virgin before Childbirth, in your Hands is that many commend their Faith so that you give birth to it and also the Soul of the brother (a) (say the name of the person) to save her, you are always full of Grace, the Lord is always with you, Blessed are you among all the women of this world and also Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, they ask you to pray for him or her and for all their relatives and for sinners now and at the hour of their death. Amen.

I saved her

God Hail Queen and also Mother, the Mother of Mercy, Sweet Life and the real Hope of many, God Hail you named the exiled children of Eve to you we sigh in such a way that moaning and crying in this valley of tears, then Lady, you who are our Advocate we ask you to return to us those beautiful Merciful Eyes and after this exile show us Jesus, the Fruit of your Blessed Womb.

oh! Clement, oh! Pious oh! Sweet Always Virgin Mary, the one who prays for him or her and for all her relatives, Holy Mother of God so that we may be truly worthy of being able to achieve the Divine Graces and the Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Litany of the Blessed Virgin

These are some litanies of the Virgin Mary through the rosary for the deceased, which are the following:

Lord, have mercy on him or her, Christ, hear us. Christ, please listen to us, Heavenly Father who are God.

Have mercy on him or her, Son, Redeemer of the world that you are God Have mercy on him or her.

Holy Spirit that you are God, have mercy on him or her.

Holy Trinity that you are 1 only God, have mercy on him or her.

Holy Mary……Pray for him or her Holy Mother of God.

Holy Virgin of Virgins.

Mother of Jesus Christ.

Mother of Divine Grace.

Immaculate Mother

Under Your Protection

Under your great protection is that the devotees welcome themselves, oh Holy Mother of God, so they ask you not to despise the pleas they make to you in their needs, rather free them from all dangers, oh! Glorious Virgin and also Blessed pray for him or her and for all your children oh Holy Mother of God so that they become worthy of being able to reach the Divine Graces and at the same time the Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

let’s pray

Oh! Great God whose Only Begotten Son with his own Life, Death and Resurrection came to reach us the prize of Eternal Life for which we ask you to grant us those who remind you of these various Mysteries of the Holy Rosary for the deceased who imitate what that contain and can achieve what they promise through the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Amen.


For these same Holy Mysteries of the Rosary for the deceased that we have come to remember, we ask you, Oh Mary! of the Holy Faith the increase, the exaltation of the Church, of its leaders, of the Nation where I live the union and a happy government.

May the gentile come to know my God, may the heretic see his irons, may they and all sinners achieve repentance, may Christian captives be freed from captivity, may the navigator enjoy port and the sick in good health.

The Souls in Purgatory can enjoy their refreshment and that this great Holy Exercise has increased in a perfect way in all of Christianity, that we can achieve through it to go to Praise God in your company in heaven. Amen.

let’s pray

Return, oh God Jesus from the lofty Throne of your Clemency Eyes to the deepest bosom of the prison of Purgatory; your wives tend to be the Souls that are in that place purifying themselves; they are even marked with the Seal of the Trinity; they are the Price of your Blood, they are the tender object of your Love. Amen.


This Our Father and the Hail Mary is offered for the Eternal Rest of the Holy Souls in Purgatory and also for the dying brothers, especially for those of this hour who do not faint in their Faith, who say full of confidence: let it be done in my Lord your Holy Will.

Blessed is the Virgin Mary, may her arms pick up your children and may the caress of her hands dry the sweat of all her agony. At your feet many are surrendered worshiping the Lord of heaven himself, to be able to pray the rosary for the deceased to the father of heaven. Amen.

Our father

  • Guide:

Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  • All:

Give us today our daily Bread and forgive all our offenses as we also forgive those who offend us, do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria

  • Guide:

Hail Mary, you are full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women and Blessed is the Fruit of your Womb Jesus.

  • All:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him or her and for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Give Lord the Eternal Rest that his soul deserves and shine for him or her the Perpetual Light, may he rest in Peace. Amen.

If by your Precious Blood, oh Lord, you have redeemed him or her. That he or she has been forgiven I ask you is I ask you for your Sorrowful Passion. From the gates of hell oh Lord I ask you to free the Soul of him Lord of him.

Mary Mother of Sorrows, I ask you to remember that on the cross I named you your son Jesus the mother of all sinners. May good works be done for this soul without ceasing, may God take them out of her sorrows and lead her to eternal rest, may the blessed souls of purgatory come to dwell in glory. Amen

All beautiful, pure, holy and immaculate are you, oh mary… I ask you to pray for her to be saved

this poor soul of your servants. May the Soul of the brother (a) (the name of the person who died must be said) and the others who are in Purgatory by the Mercy of God manage to rest in Peace. Amen.

Brother (a) (at this moment he is going to say the name of the person who died) We entrust you to the great Divine Mercy. So we bless your light and ask the Angels to lead you along the beautiful Paths of Clarity and Peace. May the Peace of the Almighty God envelop your Soul and may his Love be the one that fills you with happiness. Therefore, we send you our love and at the same time we ask for your assumption towards the Father. Amen.

Blessed be your purity

Blessed may its Purity be and Eternally so, for all one God recreates in such a beautiful Beauty, to you Celestial Princess the beautiful Virgin Sacred Mary your faithful offer you on this night or day the Soul Life and the Heart, for which They beg you to look at them with compassion, do not leave them, Mother, night or day, when they fall into temptation. Amen.

Sweet mother

Sweet Mother, we ask you not to take your eyes off the lives of your children, do not turn away from them, go with them everywhere and never leave them, because you protect them as much as a True Mother, make them be blessed by him. Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Prayer of the Holy Rosary for the Dead for Wednesday and Sunday (Glorious Mysteries)

Saint Gregory the Great is the one who affirms: “If Jesus Christ said that there are faults that will not be forgiven in this world or the next, it is a sign that there are faults that are forgiven in the next world. So that God may forgive the deceased for their unforgiven venial faults at the time of their death, for this we offer masses, prayers and alms for their eternal rest.

Offering of the Rosary

Almighty Father, we ask that, supported by the faith of your children who proclaim the life, death, passion and resurrection of your beloved Son Jesus Christ, we come to offer you this Holy Rosary for the sake of the brother (a) (whose name says of the person) and we ask you in the same way, that just as you have come to participate in the death of Jesus Christ that you also come to participate in the joy of the glorious resurrection. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

First Mystery: The Resurrection of Jesus

The Rosary for the dead on Tuesday , Wednesday and Sunday of the Glorious Mysteries, Jesus died and also rose again. For Him, suffering and death became the way to reach the resurrection and glory. The same thing is going to happen with us: if we accept the trials of this life with great patience, one day we will achieve the great progress that everyone wants: to die and rise with Christ.

Oh, Mary, the joy of the just and the consolation of all sinners! This Mystery is offered to you in memory of the joy you came to have upon seeing your Holy Son risen and glorious: where you begged him, that just as, with the resurrection of Jesus, all the beings that were created rejoiced, so deserve the brother (s) (say the name of the person) and all those who come to meet in purgatory, the eternal resurrection. We ask this in the glorious name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Second Mystery: The Ascension of Jesus

The Rosary for the dead – on Wednesday and Sunday – the Glorious Mysteries, Going up to heaven, Jesus accompanies people from that holy place and teaches the whole world that our true homeland is found in the kingdom of heaven. The only concern of the people is to truly abide by the teachings and commandments of God.

Third Mystery: The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The third Rosary for the dead is that after about 10 days had passed since he ascended to heaven, Jesus sent the greatest gift to the apostles, the Holy Spirit, which was the one that transformed his entire life. They had finally managed to understand the message and had the necessary strength to be able to live it and announce it with great courage.

Fourth Mystery: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Another of the mysteries of the Rosary for the deceased, was the one that announced that after having finished her period of life in this earthly world, Mary came to be taken to heaven both in body and soul. It was a very special gift that Jesus made to Mary, who was his mother.

Fifth Mystery: The Coronation of Mary as Queen and Lady of All Creation

The last of the mysteries of the Rosary for the deceased, is that in this world no one has had the privilege of being able to be as close to Jesus as Mary, his Mother, did, just as she is now in heaven, no one has been so close to him as she is.

Hail Marys for Faith, Hope and Charity

God save you, oh Most Holy Mary, Daughter of God the Father, the Most Pure Virgin before childbirth. In your hands all your believers commend her faith so that you please enlighten them and the soul of the brother brother (a) (say the name of the person) so that you save it. You are full of grace, the Lord be with you always. Blessed are You, among all the women of this world and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and also Mother of people, pray for all, for sinners, now and at the hour of their departure from this world. Amen.

I saved her

God save you, oh Queen and Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and hope of many; God save you, you for what we call the exiled children of Eve; to You we sigh, in such a way that moaning and crying, in this valley of tears. Be it then, Lady, our lawyer, turn those merciful eyes to your children; and after this exile we ask you to show Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb.

Oh most merciful, oh pious, oh always sweet Virgin Mary. We ask you to pray for us, Holy Mother of God, so that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


On this day, the Virgin Mary is going to be asked to intercede for the soul of the brother or sister (say their name at this time) and also for all those who are purifying themselves in purgatory, as well as for those who are still they find alive, so that they can achieve resignation, consolation and also peace from God; invoking her with the most beautiful titles, which over the centuries, the Christian people have come to discover in her honor.

Under her shelter many are welcomed, Holy Mother of God; do not come to despise the pleas that are addressed to you in the needs of your children; Rather, we ask you to free them from all dangers, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Please pray for all of them, Holy Mother of God, that they may be worthy of being able to achieve the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

For these holy mysteries of the rosary for the dead who have been completely remembered, you are asked, oh Mary!, of the Holy Faith the increase; the exaltation of the Church; of the leaders of it; of the Nation (it will mention the country where you live), the union and happy of the government.

May the gentile come to know my God, may the heretic see his irons, may they and all sinners achieve repentance, may Christian captives be freed from captivity, may the navigator enjoy port and the sick in good health.

The Souls in Purgatory can enjoy their refreshment and that this great Holy Exercise has increased in a perfect way in all of Christianity, that we can achieve through it to go to Praise God in your company in heaven. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Shroud

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, who came to leave us the signs of your Passion on the holy shroud, in which your holy body was wrapped when you were taken down from the cross by Joseph:

We ask you to grant, oh most merciful Lord, that by your death and by your holy burial, and by the pains and anguish of your Holy Mother the Virgin Mary, the soul of her servant (say the name of the person who died) and of all those who are in purgatory, to the glory of your resurrection, where you dwell and also reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

let’s pray

We ask you on this day that you grant them, Lord our God, the power to enjoy continuous health of the soul and also of the body, and through the glorious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary always, that they may be free from the sadness of the present life. and the power to enjoy eternal joys. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Final Petitions

At this moment, God is going to be asked, once again, for the eternal rest of all the relatives and for the brother or sister (say the name of the person) and for the needs of the Church and the entire world today. . Each of the requests will be answered with: We beg you sir.

For all our deceased relatives and friends, so that God may be the one to completely cleanse their souls of all kinds of stains of sin and at the same time grant them eternal rest.

  • We pray Lord.

For all those who are about to leave this world, so that they come to repent of their sins and manage to give their lives to Christ, as a pleasant offering.

  • We pray Lord.

For all those who still do not know Christ, so that God may be the one who moves their hearts and grants them the opportunity to get to know him and give themselves to him, without any reservations.

  • We pray Lord.

For all people, so that they are always very well prepared for the great encounter with Christ.

  • We pray Lord.

For all the pastors of the Church, so that they always preach the Word of God with courage and authenticity and in this way awaken in the parishioners the true meaning of life and also of death.

  • We pray Lord.


On this day I ask for the brother (a) (say the name of the person) to our Lord Jesus Christ, who has come to say: I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in Me even if he has died will live and he who is alive and believes in Me will not die forever. Each request is answered: We ask you, Lord.

Lord, You who prayed at the tomb of Lazarus in a worthy way and wipe our tears.

  • We ask you, Lord.

– You who came to rise from the dead. Deign to give eternal life to your child (name of deceased person)

  • We ask you, Lord.

-You who forgave the good thief on the cross and who also promised him paradise, please deign to forgive and take (name of the person) brother to heaven

  • We ask you, Lord.

The end

To finish everything, simply pray the Hail Mary Purisima, conceived without sin. We can go in Peace since the Rosary for the dead has ended for which we give thanks to God.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

O Saint Michael Archangel, we ask you to defend us in the fight against Satan and all his demons; we ask you to be our shelter and protection; may the Most High Himself give you the power and also the permission so that you come to assist us and may God Himself make His great voice heard so that you come to expel Satan himself and all his demons who want to make you lose the entire humanity. That you cry:

“Who is like God? Nobody is like God!” Comes to subdue Satan and all his demons under our feet. We ask this in the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

This is the end of the Rosary for the Departed – Wednesday and Sunday / Glorious Mysteries.

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