Learn how the Christian Birthday Prayer is done here

Learn how the Christian Birthday Prayer is done here

The best gift you can give on a date of celebration, to the people you appreciate and who add another year of life, is a Christian Birthday Prayer. Learn more about her in the next Post.

Christian Birthday Prayer

Thank you very much God forever.

Give your approval to my family,

May we live in agreement and love,

Give your approval to my companions.

They are trustworthy with you.

I ask your approval to my city

May harmony be discovered.

I need your approval to my Nation

I can look up the performance

To your problems for having you.

Very grateful to you God for my life,

May your approval and safe guard me.

In my passages and exits.

Thank you very much, my God, for this new year of life.

What have you given this individual?

So exceptional that you are in goodness,

Give well-being, may my body be constantly restored,

May your heavenly attendants keep me from slipping,

To take the best path following your course,

Fill it with your gifts of harmony, of bliss.

of material success.

Very grateful to you, God, on the grounds that in your book were composed

Every single thing you did to this individual,

With so much detail you took to make it so lovely.

Grateful for completing an extraordinary job on me,

Interesting and extraordinary that I currently give you a lot of respect.

Also, we reliably need to worship you and serve others.

Favor your direction by removing all impediments.

Moreover, giving you your joy and care.

So be it.

On this extremely exceptional day

I need to wish myself a happy birthday.

May each of the blessings fall on me and

May Almighty God go with me reliably.

I wish for a light for my path, a heavenly assistant for my destiny,

A blessing for my life and the gift of God

In every moment of your life.

Optimistic birthday!

Every day, every year is a gift.

Consistently light has.

life training,

Experience taken forever is a gift.

Love given and received is a gift.

slips done and amazing on the way

Gives the door open for each day made the correction

And would like to continue.

With that I wish many more long stretches of gifts and happiness.

Cheerful birthday!

Since I take great care of myself and have a magnificent God,

Since I appreciate others as I appreciate myself,

For my confidence, my conviction, my fantasies, my goals and my vision,

Today, with a big smile, trusting eyes and a firm heart.

I say to myself: Happy birthday to me!

Thank you very much Lord, for another year of life!

Master, I thank you because you have allowed me

meet another year of life and has granted me

the effort of having the option to praise him with my family,

My friends and my family.

Despite the fact that this past year has been troublesome,

I realize that they are tests that put us to the test;

I only ask for solidarity to continue reliably.

That my character is not affected by the challenges and

can stand before them.

I trust that you will give me longer periods of life,

so I can continue imparting to others

the true importance of worship and appreciation of life,

And that I can satisfy my work here on earth.

Give me the opportunity to be an instrument of yours to bring harmony

And comfort to people who need it.

I thank you deeply for this life

So full of love that you have given me,

Since you have allowed me to help other people

And in view of the fact that everyone I hold dear

They are full of life and well-being.

From the depths of my being, I thank you

And I celebrate the existence you have given me.

So be it.

I need to thank you, God,

For the existence you have given me.

For the lovely family I have.

For my colleagues who are exceptional for my life.

Moreover, for each of the general population.

For all that and for many different things,

I thank you, my Lord.


It is important to pray the Christian Birthday Prayer for those people who have earned a place in our hearts day by day. Sometimes we believe that material gifts are above those that are not bought with money. (See Article: Night Prayer Psalm 4 )

But the truth is that Prayer has an extraordinary, effective and surprising power. It is worth much more than any precious stone, than any diamond or gold found. Everything will depend on the importance that the person who receives the gift grants it.

It is important to know that this Christian Birthday Prayer can be performed by anyone close to the birthday person, starting from the lucky one who will have a birthday, to those closest to her. You don’t need something clearly programmed or written, it’s more about what your heart feels and the good wishes you have for it. (See Article: Prayer request to God )

On the other hand, appealing to God for others is a simple problem to handle, and this applies to petitioning in general. For what reason would it be a good idea for us to pray if God from now on has our best advantages on a basic level?

He is much wiser than us. For what reason does he need us to ask or ask him? Wouldn’t it be smarter to trust him to make a valiant effort? The facts show that God is smarter than us and that we should trust him. In addition, it is therefore that we must implore, since asking God for us, for those we love and appealing to God for others is something that God tells us to do.

We are prescribed to pray to God for others, as it is a source of recovery, as is admission. James reveals to us that “the viable request of the righteous can do much.”

Nowadays, does this imply that only the pleas of good individuals are heard? No, the word found in the book of the Scriptures refers to people who have confidence and who are assured by the nobility of Jesus, this is one of the bases to make the Christian Birthday Prayer alive.

Jesus led us to implore on his behalf. In the event that you achieve something for the benefit of another person, this implies that you can do it as indicated by the wishes of that individual. In this sense, knowing God and understanding him is a fundamental piece of supplication

At this time, we begin to see any reason why asking God for others is meaningful. Supplication is not made up of getting everything we need or protecting others, consistently and seamlessly. Supplication is an amazing way by which we become acquainted with our friend in need and also gather followers.

The successful petition of others brings us closer to God, since the convincing petition depends on the information of his will. Similarly, it brings us closer to other people, as we become familiar with them and focus on their needs.

For most of us, appealing to God for others will generally go something like: Lord, give my partner an occupation, great transportation, great comfort and security, but what if we include all of that in a Christian birthday occasion? In the event that we really notice someone well, we could appeal to God for his marriage or different matters.

There is not much chance that we will call on God for these things; Truth be told, the Bible exhorts us to ask God for everything, and in doing so, we quiet our nerves. It is a great idea to appeal to God for well-being and beneficial things to happen.

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