Is It Really a Thousand Year Reign?

Amillennialism: Is It Really a Thousand Year Reign?

With the help of this article you will be able to know each of the most important details to be able to properly understand Amillennialism .


Amillennialism has been mentioned on different occasions by thousands of people around the world, but have you ever sat down to think about what it really wants to express? If so, we invite you to continue reading this article so that you are able to know all the details about it.

All About Amillennialism

In this section of the article we invite you to learn more about premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism.  It is known that Amillennialism is the name given to the belief that there will be no literal kingdom to that of the Thousand Year Christ; each of the people who maintain this belief are known as Amillennialists, and consequently there is what we know as Amillennialism Sects .

On the other hand, the prefix “a” in Amillennialism means “no”, so that word means “there is no millennium”. This differs from the broader and more accepted idea known as “pemillennialism,” which means “the belief that the second coming of Christ will occur before his millennial kingdom, and that the millennial kingdom is a literal thousand-year reign.” ».

In addition to that, it also differs from the less accepted idea known as “postmillennialism,” which means “the belief that Christ will return after Christians [and not Christ Himself] have established the kingdom on this earth.”

More details

It is important that there is justice for those who support Amillennialism; You should know that they do not believe in the existence of a millennium, and consequently, they do not support the idea that there is a kingdom of Christ of more than a thousand years on Earth.

On the other hand, they believe that Christ is now seated on the throne of David, and that this dispensation of the Church is the kingdom in which Christ is Reigning.

There is no doubt that Christ is sitting on the throne, however, this does not mean that it is what the Bible describes as what the Throne of David is. There is no doubt that Christ reigns, because he is the son of God, but this does not mean that he is reigning in the Millennial Kingdom.

How would God fulfill his promise?

God fulfills all his promises, especially those of Israel and David’s covenant, according to Samuel 7:8-16; 23:5; Psalm 89:3-4, however, it is important that there is a literal and physical kingdom on earth. To doubt that would be to question God’s great desire and his great ability to fulfill his promises and that is why the door is opened to the great multitude of different theological problems.

An example would be, if God did not fulfill each of his Promises to Israel after proclaiming that they would be “everlasting”, how could each of us be sure of anything he promised us?, including, in addition, the promises of salvation for those believers in the Lord Jesus.

The only solution would be to acquire for sure that his Word will always be true and in this way understand that his Promises will be fulfilled.

Amillennialism: Biblical Indications That the Kingdom Will Be a Literal Kingdom

  • “The prophets foretold dramatic changes on the earth during the kingdom” (Acts 3:21; Isaiah 35:1-2; 11:6-9; 29:18; 65:20-22; Ezekiel 47:1-12; Amos 9:11-15)
  • “Christ’s feet will literally touch the Mount of Olives before the establishment of His kingdom” (Zechariah 14:4,9)
  • “The kingdom is described as being under heaven” (Daniel 7:13-14, 27)
  • “During the kingdom, the Messiah will execute justice and judgment on the earth” (Jeremiah 23:5-8)
  • “The chronological order of events in Revelation indicates the existence of an earthly kingdom before the conclusion of world history” (Revelation 20).

Viewpoint of Amillennialism in Eschatology

As is naturally known, the point of view related to Amillennialism originates from the deciphering method that works to mention the prophecies that have not been fulfilled, there is also another that is responsible for classifying those scriptures that do not belong to this group but have already been fulfilled.

Those who accept amillennialism claim that a spiritual reading of the prophecy that was not fulfilled becomes the normal reading of these texts, which is known as “The Use of a Double Hermeneutic”.

What is Hermeneutics? In case you do not know, hermeneutics is that study of the principles of understanding and consequently, Amillennialism supposes a great part or all of the unfulfilled prophecy that is written in a spiritual and figurative language.

For this reason, the amillennialist assigns different meanings to any of the forms of writing, rather than assigning the originally known meanings. If you like this article, we invite you to read this other one about .

More information

The big problem with interpreting unfulfilled prophecy in this way is that it gives rise to a wide range of meanings, this if you were able to interpret scripture in a normal sense, you would not find a single meaning. Therefore, it must be a specialized person who has knowledge on the subject.

However, God, who is the only final author of Scripture, worked with only one meaning in mind when inspiring the human authors to bring it to life. Despite this, there can be many applications of life in a landscape belonging to writing, where there is only one meaning and that is what God intended it to mean.

In addition to that, there is the fact that the already fulfilled prophecy managed to be literally fulfilled, and thanks to that it is the best reason of all to be able to deduce that the unfulfilled prophecy will also be literally fulfilled; each of the prophecies concerning the first coming of Christ managed to be literally fulfilled.

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