The Powerful Mystic Rose: Meaning, Rosary and Prayer

The Prayer to the Virgin of the Mystic Rose , becomes the same Virgin Mary which in other parts of the world has become known under this name or title. In the following article you will know everything about the Mystic Rose, its history and who was its faithful devotee.

Maria Rosa Mystica

The apparition that came to be reported by a woman named Pierinaen Gilli who is found in the process of Ecclesial study. For what she says: “Our Lord has sent him to implant a kind of new Marian devotion in all institutes, whether for men or women, in religious communities and in all where priests are.

So the Virgin promises that, if they venerate her in this very special way, people will particularly enjoy her protection, so there will be a flourishing of religious vocations. Therefore, she wants the 13th day of each month to be consecrated as the Marian day and the preceding 12 days to serve as preparation with special prayers”.

“On that same day an overabundance of graces and also of holiness will be poured out on all those who would have honored him in that way. Therefore, he truly wishes that the 13th of July of each year be dedicated to him in honor of the Mystic Rose”.

Now, first of all, who is the Virgin of the Mystic Rose?

Who is she?

This virgin comes to have various kinds of apparitions and in each one of them she comes to appear differently in her first appearance she comes to show herself with about 3 swords that are crossed in her heart, her face was only one of great sadness and a lot of crying, for which he cried out about 3 things:

  • Prayer
  • Penance
  • Repair

The 3 crucial words that had to be spread so that the devout faithful would have the opportunity to be able to convert and lead a path of great devotion and holiness for salvation, is the message that each one wants to give at all times of the invocations among them, so the Virgin of Regla is found.

In the regions of Montiachiri it came to have about 7 apparitions and in the Fontanelle areas about 4 more to complete about 11 in total, which undoubtedly makes it very clear that it is a kind of Marian invocation as it happens with the virgin of aranzazu and came with the firm purpose of bringing the redemptive message to the world. Also the mercy of God must be the first objective for the salvation of all sins and it will only be possible to obtain it if all are faithful believers and in the same way doers of the promises of the Lord God.

The Virgin of the Mystic Rose is considered one of the most relevant Marian devotions and one of the best known throughout the world for coming to sprout from her images a kind of sweat, tears, frost and even blood, these kinds of manifestations are they have come to give with the passing of the years and has come to mean a type of glorious reunion of the virgin with all her faithful devotees who come to venerate and exalt her. These images are known as the mystical rose of the rosary of tears and blood .

the papacy

Pius XII came to have a kind of private audience with Gilli on August 9, 1951, in order to witness his appearance. The meeting took place in Castel Gandolfo.


Although the dedication is not condemned by the Catholic Church, it is also not approved. However, that has not prevented temples to him from being built in various places around the world. The main temple of him is located in the Montichiari regions. It is called the Temple of Maria Rosa Mystica, however, it is known as Fontanelle, since there is a small fountain in that place.

He is venerated on July 13 of each year, since according to his follower Gilli, that was the date on which the invocation asked him to be commemorated.

The Devotion to the Mystic Rose Since the 5th Century

The Rose comes to symbolize from the ancient mystery. In the catacomb of San Calixto from the 3rd century, Christians came to draw some roses as a sign of paradise. Cipriano de Cartago even writes that this is a sign of martyrdom.

During what was the fifth century and the mystic rose became a kind of metaphorical sign of the Virgin Mary. A man named Edulio Caelio became the first person to call the Virgin Mary as the “Rose among Thorns”. Some 4 centuries later, the monk named Theophanes Graptos comes to use the same term referring to the purity of the Virgin Mary and also to the fragrance of her grace.

For a man named Tertullian and S. Ambrose the root comes to represent what is the genealogy of King David; the bud is Mary and the flower, which is the rose, becomes Christ, better known as the Rose of Sharon. Since the Middle Ages, mention has been made of the text of the Prophet Isaiah that says: “A branch will come out of the trunk of Jesse and a shoot will sprout from its roots.”

As is the one referring to Mary and Jesus. Also, from the book of Wisdom that says: “I have grown like a palm tree in Engedi like a rosebush in Jericho.” As we have come to see, the veneration of the Mystic Rose dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. It can also be observed in the hymn of “Akathistos Paraclisis” of the churches of the East, which becomes a kind of sung rosary, to the invocation: “Mary, You, Rosa Mystica, from which Christ came out as miraculous fragrance.”

From what can be seen equally as in the Lauterana Litanies of the year 1587, in honor of the Blessed Virgin, they already come to bring the title of María Rosa Mystica. Since 1738, in the diocese of Speyer in the German regions, in the Sanctuary of Rosenberg, the miraculous image of the “Mystic Rose” has been venerated. About 3 roses are drawn on the pedestal that comes to support the image:

  • 1 Color White
  • 1 Color Red
  • 1 Gold Color

And in the luminous halo that surrounds it, some 13 golden roses stand out both on the right and on the left; which is what can make you think that the Virgin gets to be honored every July 13 of each year as Maria Rosa Mystica; so you can say this is coincidence? Not rather a providence.

Devotion to the Rosa Mystica reaches its height from the apparitions in the Montichiari regions, however, as has been observed, it was already present in the life of the Church. It was Mariana The Blessed Virgin Mary, in a special way has manifested herself to humanity and with increasing urgency and frequency.

The beginning of the Marian Era, as we come to know in this era in which we live, came to take place with the apparition of the Virgin in the year 1830 to Saint Catherine Labouré, to whom the Miraculous Medal was revealed, an apparition in which the Blessed Virgin came to give the Church the gift of 1 of the most important Marian sacramentals.

From that very moment, the Blessed Virgin has come to visit again and again with the purpose of helping, alerting and leading every human being to her beloved Son. In each of the appearances that came to succeed the Miraculous Medal:

  • Lourdes
  • Pointman
  • Baneaux
  • Beaurang
  • La Salette
  • Fatima

You can get to see how the Virgin constantly makes a kind of call to conversion, also to prayer and penance. In the regions of Montichari, Mary Most Holy returns to take up that same urgent call for all her children to conversion, however, in a much more particular way, for which her message becomes very alive:  Prayer, Penance and sacrifice

This becomes the mark and also the key to the message of María Rosa Mística. Everyone who is usually devoted to her has a long way to go, a path that is marked by her Mother. It is the path of reaching out to offer oneself for others.

Montichiari, which means “Mount Luminous”, becomes a small city of approximately 14,000 inhabitants in northern Italy, 20 km from Brescia, the diocesan headquarters, which is located at the foot of the Italian Alps, in the fertile plain of the river Po, in the Lombardy region.

The Lord comes to choose Pierina Gilli so that she becomes that soul to whom the Blessed Virgin appears; and like everyone who receives this particular kind of grace, Pierina’s life was developed between roses and thorns. For what we could get to divide the apparitions of the Lady in about 3 stages.

The First Stage: 1944-1949

Before the apparitions of the Virgin, she, that is, her faithful devotee called Pierina, came to receive what is the grace of being visited by the Holy Foundress of the Congregation called the “Servants of Charity,” at that very moment. Blessed Mary Crucified of the Rose, in which she had come to enter as a postulant. At that time she was already about 33 years old and a nurse.

He became seriously ill with meningitis. On December 17, 1944, (the feast day of its holy foundress), while in her room she felt the door open and saw this nun who asked her: “ How are you, Pierina? To which she replied that her head hurt a lot. So she replies: “This little glass that you carry in your hands (since you had a white glass in your hands), a Lady gave it to me to get to anoint you, the headache you have is going to hurt you.” continue a little more… you will have to carry a naked Cross, then you will heal.”

Saying this, he motioned for him to lie on his right side, and anointed the diseased part of his back and head. A “Lady” gave the small white cup to the Crucified Saint Mary of the Rose with a little oil that she had the property of healing.

So it can be assured that this “Lady” is none other than the Blessed Virgin herself, who comes to deliver that miraculous oil that in a very special way has become one of the marks of the presence of the Virgin. in its various manifestations through its images which, exuding oil, the same oil with which Pierina was anointed. This is known as the “Healing Oil of Mary”.

The apparitions of what is currently Santa María Crucificado de la Rosa will be very constant in Pireina, bringing solace and strength in the many trials to which she has to be exposed due to the many manifestations of the Virgin and of Your message. From November 23 to 24, 1945, the First Apparition of the Virgin with the Swords takes place.

Saint Mary Crucified of the Rose appears to Pierina and with her the Virgin is manifested for the first time in a way: “transparent, dressed in a violet color and a veil that is white which gives her It covered his head and went down to his feet. She had her arms open in a way that you could see about 3 swords that were stuck in her chest at the height of her heart.

The saint told her devotee Pierina that this Lady was the Virgin who came to ask her for some prayers, sacrifices and sufferings in order to make amends for the sins of the 3 categories of souls consecrated to God:

  • A) For all those religious souls who have come to betray their vocation.
  • B) To repair the mortal sin of said souls.
  • C) To be able to repair the betrayal of all the Priests who make themselves unworthy of their Sacred Ministry.

Posts Reported by Pierina Gilli

The Virgin of the Mystic Rose has come to give a series of messages to her servant Pierina Gilli, which have been the following: The Three Roses: The crying Virgin told her: “Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance”

This is what the Virgin of the Mystic Rose told him the following:

  • On June 1, 1947:

Pierina comes to report that she had a vision of hell where she observed, in about 3 different sections, about 3 categories of Religious, which we previously described as consecrated souls and the Priests that corresponded to the 3 swords of the vision and the 3 intentions for which he must come to offer his prayers and sacrifices.

The Crucified Saint Mary of the Rose came to appear together with the Virgin who came to have the same type of appearance that she had come to have in the first appearance, with the 3 swords stuck in her heart. The Saint told him to tell the mother superior that the Virgin had to be honored in that religious institute, forming many living roses among the nuns. That there be in each of the communities about 3 nuns who offer themselves as the mystical roses.

  • The White Rose:

This is the meaning of the spirit of prayer to come to repair the offenses that come to our Lord by the Religious who came to betray their vocation.

  • The Red Rose:

This has the meaning of the spirit of sacrifice to get to repair all the offenses that they make to our Lord by the religious who live in their mortal sin.

  • The Rose Yellow – Gold:

This has the meaning of the spirit of total immolation to repair all the offenses that are made to the Lord by the Judas Priests, and in particular also for the sanctification of the Priests.

“These 3 roses will be the ones that are going to bring down the 3 swords of the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and of the Virgin Mary” This call that is made in a particular way to the religious, is extended to everyone who hears the voice of the Mother and who wants to be a faithful devotee of hers. It is the call of the Mother to all her children. Called to offer for the good of others, especially souls consecrated to God.

  • On July 13, 1947:

This was the day when the first Apparition of the Virgin with the 3 Roses on her chest took place. The Virgin appears to him in the hospital, dressed in white, with a white cape that came to contain species of reflections of silver light. A white cloak that was fastened under her throat, as if by a hook.

This same cloak reached down to his feet, revealing light brown hair on his forehead. She also had some sort of gold embroidered trim. So she told him the following:  “I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you”

At that moment he opened his arms and instead of the swords it already contained the 3 roses: 1 white rose, 1 red rose and 1 yellow or golden rose. After a pause she continued with the following: “Our beloved Lord sent me to implant a new kind of Marian devotion in all institutes, both male and female, in religious communities and also in all priests. I faithfully promise you that if you come to venerate me in this very special way, you will particularly enjoy my protection, so there will be a flourishing of religious vocations.

He also went so far as to ask that every 13th of each month be a day on which the Marian Day would be celebrated, which would be preceded by special preparation prayers for about 12 days. And that he requested: “This kind of Day must be reparation for all the offenses that have been committed against our Lord by all the consecrated souls who, with their faults, penetrate my Heart and the Heart of my Divine Son about 3 swords sharp.”

That same day a great abundance of Grace and holiness will be poured out from the vocations in the Institutes that honor it in this way. For what she said: “I wish that July 13 of each year would be celebrated by each one of the Institutes.” She went on to say: “I wish that in each one of the Congregation or Institute there are souls who live with a great spirit of prayer, in order to ensure that no kind of vocation becomes betrayed.”

(At this very moment it seemed that the white rose on her chest was standing out much more to show this kind of meaning)

“I also have the desire that there be other souls that dwell and live on generosity and love of sacrifice, trials, as well as humiliations, in order to repair all the offenses that Our beloved Lord of souls who are consecrated women who live in constant mortal sin.

(At this time the rose that stands out the most among the 3 is the Red Rose)

“Equally, I wish that other souls come to immolate their lives in a total way to be able to repair all the betrayals that Our beloved Lord receives from the Judas Priests.”

(At this moment the Yellow-Gold Rose begins to stand out among the 3 roses)

“The Immolation of said souls is what will obtain from my maternal Heart the sanctification of all these ministers of God and the abundance of graces on their congregations”. At that very moment the Virgin became a little more silent. Then, with a beautiful smile of satisfaction and with her gaze towards the Blessed Sister Maria Crucified, she continued saying:

“I have selected this same Institute first, because its founder is called “De la Rosa”, the one who has instilled in each of her Daughters the spirit of charity”. This is when she smiled in a very cheerful way: “This is why I have presented myself surrounded by a rosebush.” The Lord chose this same Institute mainly because of the charism of its Foundress, which is essentially love.

Pierina asked for a miracle and the Virgin told her

“I’m not going to do any kind of external miracle. The most obvious miracle is going to happen when these same consecrated souls who for some time now, and especially during the war period, have become so relaxed in spirit almost to the point of betraying their vocation and even attract with their serious sins punishments and many persecutions, as it happens today against the Church.

Therefore, they will cease to seriously offend Our beloved Lord and they will revive the original spirit of all the Holy Founders”. She is the Precursor of the Second Vatican Council: This last phrase: “they will revive the primitive spirit of the Holy Founders”, is the one that reminds us of the same words with which the Church, in the Second Vatican Council, came to address the religious in his document entitled “Perectae caritatis”.

On the other hand, the Virgin in a special way came to manifest as the Mother of the Church, a title that later, His Holiness Pope Palo VI, came to give to the Virgin at the end of the third session of the Council on the day November 21, 1964, when he declared:

“Thus, for the glory of the Virgin and for the consolation of the faithful, We proclaim Ourselves to Mary Most Holy, the Mother of the Church, this means, Mare of all the People of God, both of the faithful and of the shepherds. who call her Loving Mother and who want her from now on to be honored and also invoked by all the Catholic Christian people with this same title “

For these same reasons, it can be said that this apparition of the Virgin was what prepared the way for the Council. The apparition that took place on October 22, 1947 in the chapel of the Montichiari hospital, during the Eucharistic celebration with the presence of doctors, employees and local people, made its presence the most beautiful Mrs. Everyone became aware of a kind of extraordinary presence of hers, however, only Pierina was the one who could visualize and hear her.

Mary, Rosa Mystica, asked him to practice the devotion that had already been recommended before and also stressed: “My divine Son, already tired by the incessant classes of offenses, wanted to get to discharge his justice, however, I intervened as a mediator between Him and men, always interceding especially for the souls that are consecrated».

Pierina, the seer, came to thank her on behalf of all those present in the place and she said goodbye always recommending him with majesty and tenderness: “Live on love…, on love for your neighbor!” This type of call to Pierina, to come to live on love is the call that the Virgin makes to all her devotees, a kind of love that reaches the point of sacrifice and immolation.

November 16, 1947: First Apparition in the Cathedral of Montichiari

“Our beloved Lord, who is My divine Son Jesus, is very tired of receiving the great offenses of men for all the sins against purity. He just wanted to send a deluge of punishments. For what I have imposed and intervened so that he still had Mercy, for which I ask for a great prayer and penance as reparation for all these same sins.”

“If you are very generous, you will obtain greater Graces for everyone.” The Virgin constantly reaches out to direct Pierina to take her to more of herself, and in this way, she also finds an invitation that she must listen to with her heart. Again the Virgin asks for great generosity.

The soul that is generous does not think of its own good, but rather of the good of all others and for this same reason it is usually capable of the greatest sacrifices because it never looks at itself, nor does it seek what which is your own well-being. Therefore, she needs an enormous generosity of heart to be able to respond to the call that the Virgin makes to all her followers.

November 22, 1947: Second apparition in the Cathedral of Montichiari

“I descend in this very place because this is where the great conversions will be made.” Then with a face full of sadness he said: “In this time all the Christians (Catholics) of your Italian nation become the ones who most often offend Our beloved Lord, my Divine Son, with all their sins against holy purity.

That is why the Lord Jesus comes to demand prayer and generosity in the sacrifices.” What must we do to get to fulfill his order of prayer and penance? So the virgin replied sweetly: “Prayer Then, still work on the sign of penance.”

“On December 8, specifically at noon, I am going to come again to this place to the Parish, which is going to be the Hour of Grace.” Having said this, he released a beam of intense light and said:

“Let the word spread about my coming” What does the hour of grace mean? “The Hour of Grace is going to be a type of event of the great and numerous conversions, of the souls that are totally hardened in evil and also cold as this same material of marble, which are going to be touched by the divine grace for which they will once again be lovers and also the great faithful to God”.

You are going to say this personally to Monsignor the Bishop of Brescia.” How to get ready? Our Lady told Pierina: through “Prayer and penance. May the Miserere Psalm be prayed about 3 times a day with open arms.”

December 7, 1947: Third apparition in the Cathedral of Montichiari

The Virgin came to appear with an open white cloak, and this was supported on both sides, on the right she was being supported by a beautiful child, who was dressed in a white color just like her, with a lacquer ribbon that it came to encircle his forehead; On the left side was a beautiful girl who was also dressed in white, with a ribbon of the same color that girded her forehead and head, with abundant hair thrown over her back, giving a kind of greater enhancement to her angelic appearance. girl beauty.

Our Lady told Pierina: “However, much prayer and generosity in sacrifices are still needed on your part.” “Tomorrow I am going to come around noon and I am going to let you see a small piece of Paradise… For what I want, however, from you is the sacrifice of keeping your eyes very well closed so that you can join the other souls who live only of faith.”

“Tomorrow I am going to let you see My Immaculate Heart, which comes to be known very little by men. At Fatima I spread the devotion of the consecration to my Heart. In the regions of Bonate I wanted to get him to penetrate the Catholic Christian family.

Compared to Montichiari in this place, I wish that the devotion already indicated “Mystic Rose” be united with the devotion to my Heart, so that it becomes deepened in the various religious Institutes so that all religious souls can attract abundant Graces from my motherly heart.

With this kind of apparition for the sanctification of all religious souls, I close the cycle of apparitions.” The Virgin proceeds to remain silent… Pierina asked who were the children who were accompanying her and the Virgin replied: “Jacinta and Francisco” They are going to be your companions in each of the tribulation. They have also come to suffer, even though they are smaller than you.”

His Relationship with Fatima:

There is a kind of relationship that is very intimate between the apparition and the message of the Virgin of the Rosa Mystica in Fatima and in her message in the Montichiari regions. Even more, the Virgin manages to make a kind of close union between the apparitions you loved and her message.

  • She reveals her Immaculate Heart, as she does at Fatima.
  • She explicitly speaks of Fatima and her great desire that, along with the devotion to the Mystic Rose, the various religious institutes have a devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
  • He appears to her with the blessed who are Jacinta and Francisco, the seers of Fatima, and he comes to propose them to Pierina, as species of models and examples of sacrifice.
  • In addition, in his third appearance in the regions of Fontanelle, he asks that reparation be made (this is the main central message of Fatima), asking for the Union of the Communion of Reparation, which must be carried out every October 13, every year.

December 8, 1947: Fourth and last apparition in the Cathedral of Montichiari.

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Virgin came to appear dressed in white, splendid, with her hands together, on a kind of large staircase, which was adorned with roses. Pierina looked at the mother of God who said:

“I am the Immaculate Conception!” With great majesty she affirmed: “I am María de la Gracia, that is, the one who is full of Grace, the Mother of my Divine Son Jesus Christ”.

After this, she gently descended the ladder and added: “By my coming to the Montichiari region, I wish to become invoked and also venerated as the great Mystic Rose.” Therefore, “I want that at noon of every December 8 of each year (this is the day of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception) the hour of grace is celebrated throughout the entire world, through this same devotion It will achieve many graces for the soul and also for the whole body.

Our beloved Lord, the Divine Son Jesus, comes to grant his greatest mercy, so that the good continue to pray for each of their sinful brothers at all times. It is necessary to report as soon as possible to the Supreme Pastor of the Catholic Church, who is Pope Pius XII, the great desire that I have that this hour of grace become known and also spread throughout the entire world.

Who can not get to go to church that is at home at noon and will also get my graces. After showing him what his most pure heart is, he exclaimed: “Look at this great heart that I love all men so much, while the great majority of all of them fill it with vituperations. After this he was silent for a few moments and continued saying: “If everyone, being good or bad, joins in prayer, they will obtain mercy and peace from this same heart. The good ones always end up reaching the mercy of the Lord through me, which was what stopped a great punishment.

In a very short time, the kind of efficient greatness of this very hour of grace will be known. The words of the Virgin are: “Look at this great heart that loves all men so much, while the vast majority of them fill it with insults. This is what reminds us of the call of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque when He himself complained to her with very similar words about ingratitude, coldness and about the contempt that He gets to receive from men . Always noticing that the resplendent Lady was going to move away, Pierina fervently begged her: “Oh beautiful and beloved Mother of God, I thank you a thousand times!

Bless the whole world, especially the Holy Father, all the priests, the religious and also all the sinners”. So she replied: “I have prepared a kind of superabundance of grace for all those who are children who listen to my voice and who also come to take my wishes to heart.” With these words the vision of the devout Pierina ended.

Long Waiting Period

After these apparitions in the Cathedral, Pierina stayed for approximately 19 years with the Franciscan Nun Sisters of the Lily in Brescia at all times providing nursing services. Many kinds of illnesses came to afflict her. She Pierina did not become a nun to have to be in that place, but to live in the convent in perfect obedience, as long as she followed the advice of the spiritual father of the seminary. In the course of this same time she had the consolation and also the advice of St. Maria Crucificado de la Rosa, who appeared to her frequently.

Second Stage: 1960- 1966

After about 3 years had passed, the Virgin appeared to Pierina again on April 5, 1960. The Virgin appeared to her in the same way as in 1947. This time she appeared to tell Pierina that she had not yet The time had come for him to reveal the secret that She had given him, and he also told him:

“The time has not yet come. I will come to warn you; now pray, invite to pray, repair and give me many sacrifices so that men may be converted.” Therefore, he reappeared on December 6, 1961 and also on April 27, 1965, at the beginning and end of all the works of the Second Vatican Council, with the same vision on both occasions according to what which she recounts:

“I could see in his right hand a ball of pale pink light, the tip was directed upwards and inside they were seen as a kind of different hands together, while in the left he had another type of ball of white light and inside it could be seen as a church, whose bell tower formed the very tip, and above it the word Peace stood out”. The explanation of this same vision was not revealed to Pierina until the 2nd time that the Virgin appeared to her: For what she told her that the 2 balls are the symbol of the Ecumenical Council, which is because of the answer to the prayer of the whole world for peace and for the unity of all.

Appearances at Fontanelle: 1966

On February 27, 1966, its preparation began. Our Lady told Pierina that on the 12th, 14th and 16th of April, after the celebration of Easter, she would go on a pilgrimage of penance specifically from the Church to Fontanelle. The Fontanelle region becomes a type of Montichiari field where a kind of water source is found hidden in a grotto. An old stone grandstand with approximately 10 steps that give access to the cave. For what the Virgin told him:

“On the Second Sunday of Easter, which is April 17, my Divine Son Jesus Christ arrives to send me back to earth, to the areas of Montichiari, in order to bring copious Graces to humanity. From this very Sunday onwards, let the sick be taken at all times and you are going to begin first to offer them a glass of water and also to wash their sores. This is going to be your new mission of action and apostolate, no more hidden, no more withdrawn. On the Second Sunday of Easter, as soon as I have arrived, the water will be converted into a kind of Fountain of purification and Grace….”.

Relationship of the Mystic Rose with Divine Mercy

There is a small relationship between the Mystic Rose and Divine Mercy. From what can be observed, as in the messages of the Virgin of the mystical rose, she constantly mentions her intervention so that the Lord is the one who pours out his mercy on all men in this world. The apparition in the Fontanelle region on April 17, 1966 became very illuminating in this sense.

The Virgin selected the second Sunday after the celebration of Easter and, as is well known, Jesus even asked Saint Mary Faustina to establish the Feast of Divine Mercy specifically on the second Sunday of Easter. This means that Maria Rosa Mystica appeared to her faithful devotee on Divine Mercy Sunday to get to do what? Well, to be able to bless a kind of fountain that is going to become, from that precise moment, a “Fountain of Grace”.

The Merciful Heart of Jesus becomes the source from which Water and Blood tend to flow, which is what gives us the grace of salvation and also of redemption. The Lord, through the Most Holy Virgin, comes to bless this same source so that through it the graces of his redemption and also of his love may be poured out on all men.

April 17, 1966: First Apparition at Fontanelle.

Pierina came to pray the rosary always walking along the path, a short distance from the grotto. Around noon, at that moment the Virgin of the Mystic Rose appears to her. The seer descended on her back and kneeled down the steps and the Virgin followed her, her immaculate feet kissed them so the Virgin told her: “Kiss the steps, and make a crucifix in this place” then she pointed to her with her left hand the precise point where it was to be placed. «May the sick and also all my children ask my divine Son for forgiveness first of all. Then kiss the cross with great love and then draw the water from the fountain and drink it.”

The heavenly lady approached the fountain and commanded Pierina saying: “take mud in your hands and then wash yourself. This is going to show you how sin becomes mud and dirt in the hearts of my children, however, if they bathe in the water of grace, all souls are completely purified and once again worthy of God’s friendship. ”

Then he bent down, touched the spring with his hands in about 2 places and continued: “It is timely that all my children be made known what the wishes of my Son Jesus are, which were communicated in the year 1947 and the messages which ends up in the Church of Montichiari. So I wish that the sick and also all my children come to go to this miraculous source. Your mission is in this very place in the midst of all the sick and all those who need your help. The Mother of God repeated: «I wish that the sick and all my children come here to the source of grace»

On May 13, 1966: Second Apparition in Fontanelle

The Virgin came to select the anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima to manifest herself again to Pierina Gilli by the fountain, at about 11:40 in the morning. About 20 people had gathered in one place.

On June 9, 1966: Third Apparition in Fontanelle

In the “Feast of Corpus Christi” On this day, the Divine Son Jesus Christ has come to send you again. So she says “Today is the Feast of the Body of the Lord, which is known as the Feast of the union! It is also known as the Festival of Love! How much I would like this grain to be transformed into Eucharistic Bread, in so many Communions of Reparation.

Therefore, I would like this grain that has been transformed into so many particles to reach the city of Rome and by October 13 Fatima would be reached. “I want a kind of shed to be made with an image that casts its gaze on the Source.”

On August 8, 1966: Fourth Apparition in Fontanelle

On this day the celebration of the “Feast of the Transfiguration” is held, so the Virgin says: “My Son has sent me again to ask for the union of the Communion of Reparation and for this to be on October 13 . May the news of this holy initiative be spread throughout the entire world, which must begin this year for the first time and be repeated at all times during each year”.

“That it be a matter of sending this type of grain to the beloved son Pope Paul and that it be said that he has been blessed with my visit. It is a kind of grain of your land of Brescia and that you get to say what my Divine Son Jesus Christ wishes, and also for Fatima.» “With the grain that remains, small rolls are made and on a fixed day they are distributed here at the Fountain as a reminder of my coming. And this is in gratitude to the children who work the land”.

On May 15, 1969: The Obedience Feast of the Ascension

“Obedience becomes peace that comes from the Lord… The opposite is often the discord and ruin of all souls!” Therefore, it is recommended to imitate the example that the Divine Son Jesus Christ has come to give us first: who humbled himself and was always obedient until death on the Cross.

The Virgin tells her Daughter, obedience becomes humility, on several occasions it is synonymous with sacrifice, however, God Our Lord knows very well how to give the soul the necessary peace and docility, which is HIS true love! ”.

May 19, 1970: The Mystic Rose Medal

The Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica asked her faithful devotee Pierina: “Have a medal minted according to this same model that I am going to indicate: on one side there must be the image of the “Rosa Mystica”. ” and on the other, there must be the image of “Mary, the Mother of the Church”. “I have come to be sent by the Lord himself, who chose the city of Montichiari to be able to bring the gift of his love, the gift of the fountain of grace and also the gift of the medal of my maternal love. I am going to intervene in the diffusion of the medal, the pledge of universal charity.

My children are going to carry me on their hearts everywhere they go and I promise them my maternal protection full of many graces, at this very time when they want to destroy the veneration that is paid to me. “This is going to be the medal which is considered as the sign that my children are with me at all times that I am the Mother of the Lord and also the Mother of all humanity. This becomes the triumph of universal love. The blessing of the Lord and also what is my protection will be at all times with all those people who turn to Me.

January 17, 1971: The Holy Rosary

The Virgin tells Pierina: “Tell each of my children to pray the Holy Rosary or the novena to the Mystic Rose. .., which is the ring of Faith and of light and bond of union, of glory, of intercession”. Later, on July 25, 1971: “All those who come to the fountain and honor me with their devotion, then tell them to pray the Holy Rosary.”

That same day, January 17, 1971, many are those who live in darkness while the apparitions occurred, their motivations were increasingly expressed in the pain and concerns of the Heavenly Mother. The Mother even recommended to Pierina: “Pray, pray, oh daughter and make many of my children who live in darkness pray. The Lord God is no longer loved. Oh, the Church of my Divine Son, in what struggle it finds itself! It is for this very reason that I extend the mantle of my Love over all humanity, because there is an urgency for prayer, love and prayer of atonement… Humanity is running towards its great ruin.”

June 29, 1974: Los Angeles

This appearance of several years before was repeated, specifically on January 13, 1951, where a series of golden light doors had been shown and on it the legend, each legend with a different color: Fíat de la Creation. Fíat de la Redempción María de la Coredempción The Virgin transmits to her devotee Pierina: “Happy is the man who entrusts himself to the protection of his Guardian Angel and listens to his inspirations…”

July 22, 1973: The Mystical Rose and Mystical Body

Pierina arrives to ask the Virgin what prayers they should say, and She answered: “Prayer of Faith, prayer of love, prayer of praise, prayer to obtain graces”, and also added: “Recite the Holy Rosary!” She then answers her question because she had come to manifest as the Mystic Rose. For what the Virgin says thus: “Mystic Rose has nothing new in it… In the Mystic Rose the “Fiat” of Redemption is symbolized, as well as the “Fiat” of my collaboration”.

“I am the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of Jesus the Lord God who gave his life for the entire world, the Mother of Grace, the Mother of the Mystical Body: the Mother of the Catholic Church!”

Meanwhile, the Virgin was speaking, her eyes that were full of tears. She then added the following: “The Grace of the Lord God and His infinite Mercy for the Church are what will make the Mystic Rose bloom again. And if this kind of maternal invitation is heard, the Montichiari region will be the place from which the mystical light will radiate to the entire world. Yes, everything I have told you is going to come true!”

It is very timely to clarify and underline the symbolism of the rose. This is one and multiple: its many petals are arranged in a beautiful order, thus creating, as a whole, a harmony of unity. Thus it is by nature adapted to represent the multitude of members and the unity in Christ of the Mystical Body, which is the Church.

Life of Pierina Gilli (1911 and 1991)

She was born in the town of São Jorge, in the Montichiari region, located in Italy, a part of the Brescia region, on August 3, 1911. Her father, Pancracio Gilli, was a peasant man and her mother, called Rosa Bartoli, both came to raise their 9 children in poverty and mainly in the fear of God.

Pierina Gilli, dies on January 12, 1991, she was a Roman Catholic woman of Italian origin who claimed to receive a series of messages from the Virgin Mary in the years 1947 and 1966. The Catholic Church is kind of open-minded about whether she was truly a visionary, however, on December 7, 2019, the Roman Catholic Diocese of the city of Brescia came to inaugurate a sanctuary dedicated to the Blessed Virgin under the title of the Rosa Mystica, the Mother of the Church, to attend to all the pilgrims who come in response to Pierina’s affirmations.

Pierina was born specifically in the municipality of Montichiari, which is located in the province of Brescia, in the Lombardy region, located in northern Italy. It was in that same place that he died when he was already 79 years old. She is primarily recognized as the seer who claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed herself as the Mystic Rose.

The message came to focus on Our Lady’s motherly care for her consecrated souls of priests and male and female members of the religious institutes of the Roman Catholic Church.

  • Childhood

Pierina Gilli was born on August 3, 1911, in the San Giorgio area of ​​the municipality of Montichiari, in northern Italy. As we have already highlighted, her parents, named Pancrazio Gilli and Rosa Bartoli, had about 3 children of their own, of which Pierina was her older sister. Her family was poor, as her father only worked daily as a contracted farm laborer. Due to their limited family income, the family generally moved to various residences in Montichiari.

Pierina’s childhood did not have any kind of extraordinary event. The first great suffering that he had in his life occurred at the age of 7 when his father who, as a soldier was taken prisoner during the First World War, returned home with his health being completely shaken, to later, in a short period of time, have to die in a hospital in the area.

At that age of 7, his father passed away, leaving his mother to support the 3 children they had. Between the years 1918 and 1922, Pierina was placed in an orphanage in Montichiari, which was run by the sisters of the Handmaids of Charity. It was this very experience that had a lasting impact on Pierina. Ella Pierina came to receive her First Communion at the orphanage when she was already 8 years old.

Pierina returned to her family to be able to help her mother with the care of her 2 younger siblings, around the time she was 11 years old. At age 12, her mother (who by then had remarried) and 8 other siblings moved into a cabin with her stepson. Pierina went on to state that she had received inappropriate attention from her stepfather. Although she did not want to introduce any kind of discord in these 2 families that now lived together, Pierina finally came to confide everything that had happened to her mother.

Partly because of that same trauma, Pierina made the decision to consider a vocation class in religious life at the age of 17. Her confessor advised her that she had to wait, in order to further discern any kind of genuine religious call to consecrated life.

Despite each and every one of Pierina’s troubles, this very brief early childhood reminiscence of Pierina’s diary can get a glimpse of her loving and devoted family upbringing: “I was the first Of the 9 children, the first to delight me with the joy, happiness, and also the caresses of my parents.

August 3, 1911 was the dawn of my earthly coming, and I was baptized on August 5, the feast of the Virgen de la Nieve; On that day, my mother consecrated me to the truth “Mamma in Heaven”, so that her full maternal protection would preserve me as white and pure as snow”.

  • Young Adulthood

At the age of 18, Pierina was already working as a children’s assistant in a community nursery in the city of Montichiari. When she was already 20 years old, an honest and well-intentioned young man made her a marriage proposal. Over the course of 2 months, Pierina suffered so much from her, because she did not feel that she was being called into married life herself, but rather felt that the Lord wanted her completely for him.

His confessor finally spoke about his deepest and most genuine thoughts, thus confirming his vocation. Pierina was initially accepted as a postulant by the community of religious sisters of “Handmaids of Charity”, however, she soon had to be discarded for the first time by Pierina due to her health problems, which was included. the pleurisy that came to persist in the course of several months.

Instead, Pierina came looking for a job and worked for about 7 years (about 20 to 26 years: from 1931 to 1937) as a domestic servant for Father Giuseppe Brochini, and as a caregiver for his elderly mother. in a fragile and blind way, in the vicinity in a small town of Carpenedolo.

Later, Pierina became focused on obtaining her nursing license at the “White Villa” nursing home which was run by the Sisters of Charity of St. Antida Thouret, located in the city of Brescia.

Then from the age of 29, and during the 4 years of World War II (between 1941 and 1945), she worked as a nursing assistant with a license at the Civil Hospital (which was being managed by the same Handmaids of Charity) in the smaller town of Desenzano del Garda, located on the southern shore of Lake Garda, within sight of the Northern Italian Alps.

Subsequent bishops, and also the Foundation that is erected in 2014 to care for pilgrims, have made it clear on many occasions that the alleged apparitions have not been approved and have discouraged the premature promotion of claims of the devout Pierina Gilli, at the same time they come to provide for the spiritual care of all those who nonetheless go to that place.

This kind of position was recently reaffirmed in 2013 in the current Directory that governs the devotions at Fontanelle. With 33 years of age, in the month of December of the year 1944 (already with about 7 months of having entered) he becomes with a serious ailment. This time it’s meningitis. It is at this moment that she begins the first phase of the apparitions that goes from the year 1944 to the year 1949. In this period of the apparitions, the Virgin told her faithful devotee Pierina: “She lives with love.”

This becomes the mission entrusted to him, to live from love and for love. The following years were years of great provocation and suffering. It is a long period of waiting from 1949 to 1960. On August 8, 1951, she was received by her Holiness, Pope Pius XII.

In the year 1960, the second period of the apparitions begins, which goes from the years 1960 to 1966. During the year 1966, Pierina visits the Fontanelle region for the last time, the place of the apparitions. In the course of this same period she returns to live in Montichiari in the locality (neighborhood) of Bosqueti where she comes to fulfill with her fidelity her mission among the mourners and the needy.

In the year 1968, the 3rd period of the apparitions began, which continued until the year 1991. In the year 1971, Our Lady told her: “Pierina, your mission… Prayer and charity, love in forgiveness and exquisite charity”.

These same words of Our Lady are the ones that confirm what Pierina lived from the beginning of the apparitions, loving the Lord, the Virgin and also her neighbor. She offering her whole life and all her prayers for priestly and religious vocations. On January 12, 1991, Pierina Gilli returns to the Father’s house. On October 15, 1984, the Bishop of Brescia came to issue a statement that said:

“The Bishop of Brescia, always supported by the authorized opinion of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, came to communicate that:

  • the apparitions of the Lady of the Mystic Rose mentioned above in the Montichiari region fail to present the reasons for credibility.
  • The cult related to Our Lady the Mystic Rose, therefore, is not approved and cannot be practiced or favored.
  • Whoever comes to favor it, spreading publications or organizing pilgrimages, does not help, however, disturbs the faith of believers by inducing them to behave against the disposition of the Church.

Synthesis of the History of the Apparitions of the Mystic Rose

We are going to observe in detail a small summary of the history of the mystic rose of everything that we have come to mention in this article.

The Virgin comes to appear to Pierina in about 2 stages that are:

1- The first in the MONTICHIARI region

2- Later, in a nearby field called FONTANELLI (which is a small fountain)


Montichiari’s apparitions begin in the year 1947. Montichiari, which means Luminous Mount, becomes a small town in northern Italy about 20 km. of Brecia, the seat of the diocesan, is located at the foot of the Italian Alps, in the fertile plain of the river Po.

His first appearance

Pierina Guilli, who was born on August 3, 1911, came to practice nursing. In the spring of 1947, a beautiful lady appeared to him who came to wear a purple tunic and covered her head with a white veil, her chest was pierced by about 3 swords, her face was very sad. She ran a few tears to the ground. Her sweet lips parted only to say: “Prayer, Penance, reparation”, and after saying these words she was silent.

Second Appearance

On Sunday, July 13, 1947, in the hospital, the Mother of God appeared to him again. She this time she was dressed in white and instead of the 3 swords, she had about 3 roses, 1 white, 1 red and 1 gold, which adorned her chest. Pierina asked him in an astonished way: “Please tell me who you are.”

With a very sweet smile, the lady replied: «I am the Mother of Jesus and mother of all of you». After a pause she continued: “Our Lord has sent me to implant a new Marian devotion in all the different institutes, both male and female, in the various religious communities and also in all the priests.

So I promise you that if you come to venerate me in this very special way, you will particularly enjoy my full protection, there will also be a flourishing of religious vocations. My wish is that the 13th of each month be consecrated to me as a Marian day and the preceding 12 serve as preparation with special prayers”.

His face lit up with an inexplicable joy and he went on to say: “On that same day I will pour out an overabundance of graces and holiness on all those who would have honored me in this way. I wish that the 13th of July of each year be dedicated in honor of the Mystic Rose”.

Then he explained the meaning of the three swords:

1- The First Sword: It has as meaning the culpable loss of the priestly or religious vocation.

2- The Second Sword: It has as meaning the life in mortal sin of the people who are consecrated to God.

3- The Third Sword: It has as meaning the betrayal of all those people who, when they abandon their priestly or religious vocation, also lose their faith and become enemies of the church.

The significance of the Roses

  • The White Rose Comes to Symbolize the Spirit of Prayer.
  • The Red Rose, Comes to mean the Spirit of Sacrifice (to come to repair).
  • The Golden or Yellow Rose comes to mean the Spirit of Penance.

Third Apparition, October 22, 1947

In the chapel of the Montichiari hospital, during the Eucharistic celebration attended by the doctors, the employees and also the local people, the beautiful lady made her appearance. Everyone became aware of an extraordinary kind of presence from her, however, only Pierina could get to see her and also hear her.

Mary, Rosa Mystica, asked him to practice the devotion that he had already come to recommend before and which he emphasized: “My divine Son, tired by the number of offenses, wanted to get to discharge his justice, however, I intervened as the mediator between Him and men, always interceding especially for all consecrated souls”.

Pierina, the seer, thanked her on behalf of everyone and she said goodbye, recommending him with majesty and tenderness: «Live on love…, love for your neighbor!

Fourth Apparition on November 16, 1947

The apparition of the Mystic Rose to Pierina, in a parish church in Montichiari, was witnessed by various people, including some of the priests. His message can be summed up in these words: “My divine Son Jesus and Our Lord is fed up with the diverse and strong offenses inflicted on him for the many sins against holy purity. It provokes him to unleash a deluge of punishments…, however, my intercession has come to intervene so that he has compassion once again, for that very reason I ask for prayer and penance in reparation.

Therefore, I intimately beseech the priests to come and admonish men so that they do not continue in lightness. I will give my grace to all those who help him explain these crimes. Will we be forgiven then? the seer asked. The Mystic Rose replied: “Yes, as soon as they stop being committed.” And she with this word she walked away.

Fifth Apparition on November 22, 1947

Pierina came to ask our virgin: What should we do in order to fulfill her wishes of prayer and penance? Full of resplendent goodness, the Virgin answered: “Prayer!” She was silent for a few moments and went on to say: “Penance means accepting the small daily crosses and doing the daily work in the spirit of atonement.”

Immediately he promised her only: “On December 8 around noon I will come here again and it will be the hour of grace. The hour of grace will be an event of numerous and great conversions, souls totally hardened in evil and cold as this marble, touched by divine grace will once again be lovers and faithful to God”.

Sixth Apparition on December 7, 1947

Serene and majestic, the Virgin wore a type of white mantle and gracefully fell from her head in a kind of fold: a boy held it on the right and a girl on the left.

The Mother of God said: «Tomorrow I will show my Immaculate Heart which is so little known by men!» After a short silence, he continued: “In Fatima, I spread the consecration to my Heart, in Bonate I tried to penetrate Christian families, here in Montichiari, I want to implant the devotion to Rosa Mystica together with the veneration of my Immaculate Heart and I want to root it. especially in the convents and religious institutes so that the souls consecrated to God obtain an increase of grace to my maternal Heart.

Pierina asked who are the children who were by her side, Our Lady explained: «It is Jacinta and Francisco who will accompany you from now on in all your setbacks. They also had to suffer despite being much smaller than you. This is what I want from you, simplicity and goodness like these children.” She then extended her arms towards the earth as a sign of protection and looking at the sky exclaimed: “Praise the Lord” and disappeared.

Seventh Apparition on December 8, 1947

Pierina came to contemplate the mother of God who said: “I am the Immaculate Conception!” and she with great majesty she came to affirm “I am Mary of the Graces, that is, the full of Grace, Mother of my Divine Son Jesus Christ”. She therefore gently descended the ladder and added saying: “By my coming to the Montichiari region I wish to become invoked and also venerated as Rosa Mystica.

I want that at noon of each December 8 of each year (which is the day of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception) the hour of grace is celebrated throughout the entire world, through this devotion many classes will be achieved of graces for the soul and for the body. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, is going to grant him copious mercy, as long as the good ones pray for their brothers who usually remain in sin.

It is very necessary to inform as soon as possible, to the Supreme Pastor of the Catholic Church who is Pope Pius XII at that time, my desire that this hour of grace become known and also spread throughout the entire world. Who can not get to attend church that is in his house at noon and will still be able to get my thanks “.

Afterwards, showing him his most pure heart, he exclaimed: “Look at this heart that I love men so much, while most of them fill it with vituperations.” He was silent for a few moments and continued: «If all, good and bad, join in prayer, they will obtain mercy and peace from this heart. The good ones have just reached through my mediation the mercy of the Lord, who withheld a great punishment. Soon the efficacious greatness of this hour of grace will be known.

Noticing that the resplendent Lady was going to leave, Pierina implored her fervently: «Oh beautiful and beloved Mother of God, I thank you!». Bless the whole world especially the Holy Father, the priests, religious and sinners. She replied: “I have prepared an overabundance of grace for all those children who listen to my voice and take my wishes to heart.” With these words the vision of her ended.

Fontanelli 1966

Pierina Gilli, came to spend several years in the region of Brecia, as an assistant in a nunnery for the order of the Diocesan Bishop Monsignor Giacinto Tredici and also the Franciscan Giustino, who is the priest of great fame; he was from that moment his spiritual director. The second stage of the marvelous apparitions of the Rosa Mystica begins in the year 1966 in Fontanelli, in a field in Montichiari where there is a kind of water source hidden in a grotto. An old stone grandstand with about 10 steps leading to the entrance to the cave.

In the month of February, while Pierina was praying in her room before an altar of the Virgin, she had the great privilege of being able to see her again. The Mother of God came to instill a new spirit in her, filled her with great consolation and great joy and promised her for White Sunday, which is April 17, 1966, her apparition in Fontanelli. Informed the Bishop of Brecia of the announced apparition of the Virgin, he ordered Pierina to keep absolute secrecy on the matter.

First Apparition at Fontanelli, April 17, 1966

Pierina was praying the rosary while walking along the road, a short distance from the grotto. At about noon, after the Angelus, the Mother of God appeared to him and said: “My divine Son Jesus with all love sent me to give a miraculous power of healing to this source. As a sign of the penance and purification kiss, on your knees, the upper step… Now you are going to go down a little more always on your knees and kiss the step again”.

The seer continued to descend on her back and also kneeling and the Virgin followed her, her immaculate feet that were barefoot were perfectly visible when they landed on the steps. For a third time she sent him saying: “Kiss the steps, and have a cross raised from here” and she pointed with her left hand to the precise point where it should be placed. «May the sick and all my children ask my divine Son for forgiveness first of all. Kiss the cross with much love and then draw water from the fountain and drink”.

Second Apparition at Fontanelli May 13, 1966

The Virgin came to choose the anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima to come to manifest again to her servant Pierina Guillini next to the fountain, at about 11:40 AM. About 20 people had gathered at the scene. Here is the conversation that ensued:

The Mother of God began the dialogue: “The news of my coming here to the source must become known and also spread everywhere.”

Pierina asked him: “How can I do it if I am not believed and I am prevented from acting?” “Herein lies your mission, just as I demanded of you.” “Oh beloved Mother of God, without some kind of miracle of yours that accredits my words, the ecclesiastical authorities are not going to give me faith. I ask you to perform a miracle.”

Without responding to the request, the Virgin simply smiled at him maternally and continued saying: “My divine Son is all love, however, the world is going to ruin. I have once again obtained mercy and I come to Montichiari to be able to lavish the graces of his love, however, in order to save humanity, prayer, sacrifice and also penance are needed”.

Then he pointed to the right and said to the fountain: “I wish that a comfortable bath be built here, always fed by this water, where the sick can be immersed”, and pointing to the left, he ordered it: “This other part of the fountain has to become reserved for drinking.” Pierina asked her what name the fountain should have and the Mystic Rose also replied: “Let it be called the Fountain of Grace.”

The Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica asked Pierina:

The Virgin has asked Pierina to create a kind of indentation in the shape of the Virgin on one side and on the other with the image of Mary the Virgin. This in order that all devotees take the virgins with them everywhere they go. A small review about this medal is as follows:

Mystic Rose Medal

The Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica asked Pierina: Have a kind of medal formed according to this type of model: on one side “Rosa Mystica” and on the other, let it be “Mary, Mother of the Church” . “I have come to be sent by the Lord, who chose Montichiari to come to bring the gift of his love, the gift of the source of grace and also the gift of the medal of my maternal love. At this moment I am going to intervene in the diffusion of the medal, the pledge of universal charity.

My children are the ones who are going to carry me on their hearts everywhere and I always promise them my maternal protection full of many graces, in this time when they want to destroy the veneration that is paid to me. This kind of medal is the sign that my children are with me at all times, that I am the Mother of the Lord and Mother of humanity. This is the triumph of universal love. The great blessing of the Lord and also my protection will be at all times with all those who turn to me.”


This is the prayer to María Rosa Mystica for the sick , which goes like this: The Immaculate Virgin, the great Mystic Rose, in honor of your Divine Son many are those who prostrate before you, always imploring God’s mercy. Not because of the person’s own merits, but because of the goodness of your maternal heart, we ask you to grant your help and grace with the certainty of listening to them.

God saves you…

Mystical Rose, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church – of the Mystical Body of Christ – We ask you to grant the world, torn by discord, unity and peace and all those graces that can change the hearts of all your children.

God saves you…

Rosa Mystica, Queen of Apostles, make many priestly and religious vocations arise around the Eucharistic altars to spread with the holiness of their lives and with apostolic zeal the Kingdom of your Son Jesus throughout the world. Pour out your heavenly graces upon us.

God save you… God save you, Queen… Rosa Mystica, Mother of the Church, pray for us!


These are a series of prayers that are made to the Mystic Rose so that it sends its favor to men. The daily prayers to Mary the Mystic Rose and prayers are as follows:

Prayer «Mystic Rose»

Oh Mary, Rosa Mystica, the Mother of Jesus and in the same way the Mother of many men. You are the hope, the strength and the consolation. Please there are many who from earth ask heaven, your maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit amen..

God saves you……

Immaculate Virgin, Rosa Mystica, in honor of your divine son we prostrate ourselves before you, imploring God’s mercy. Not for our merits but for the goodness of your maternal heart, grant us help and grace with the certainty of listening to us.

God saves you….

Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church of the Mystical Body of Christ, we ask you to grant unity and peace to the world, torn by discord, and all those graces that can change the hearts of all. your children. God saves you….

Rosa Mystica, Queen of Apostles, cause many priestly and religious vocations to arise around the Eucharistic altars to spread the Kingdom of your son Jesus throughout the world with the holiness of their lives and with apostolic zeal. Pour out Oh Mother on us, your heavenly graces. God saves you…. Hail, Queen and Mother…Rosa Mystica, Mother of the Church, pray for us. 

Prayer to Maria Rosa Mystica for Urgent Needs and Problems

Oh Mary, Rosa Mystica, the most noble Queen, the one who is blessed of the Mother of Mercy and Mother of Life! for the white rose that you get to carry on your chest and that usually symbolizes the spirit of prayer, for the red rose that you also get to carry on your chest and that means the spirit of sacrifice and self-sacrifice, finally for the yellow rose that you carry on your chest and that symbolizes the spirit of penance, you are asked on this day to favor these children of yours who are in need of your help and that you radiate in their lives with your beneficial light.

The Mother of great Love and mediator of many, you who are the greatest hope, the great strength, clarity and consolation, please grant your maternal protection from Heaven, turn your lover and also prodigious gaze on each of your children, relieve each of their sorrows and fill them with your blessings and favors. (At this moment, 1 Hail Mary will be prayed)

Rosa Mystica, Immaculate Virgin, the Mother of grace, in honor of your Divine Son, many are those who prostrate before You, to implore God’s mercy. Not only because of our merits, but because of the kindness of your maternal Heart, it is that you are asked for help and your favors with the certainty of being heard. (At this moment, 1 Hail Mary will be prayed)

Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and also the Mother of the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ on this day you are asked for the gift of union, peace, well-being and progress for families and the environment please enclose us in your Immaculate Heart and also obtain for us all the graces that we need to be able to advance and walk along the paths of love. (At this moment, 1 Hail Mary will be prayed)

Intercede, most loving Mother, before the Good Jesus so that it may be granted to us, he may grant us his love and help, he may give us relief in urgent needs and the solution to the problems that weigh us down, please beg him to alleviate the concerns and restlessness, and especially ask for a pure Virgin for this kind of difficulty that is the cause of pain and suffering: (At this moment, what you want to achieve is going to be said with great faith).

Oh Mary, Rosa Mystica, beautiful among the most beautiful, the Most Holy Lady, Temple of God, with total confidence we have requested your patronage and help and with enthusiasm we implore your shelter and protection, remove doubts and fears from our lives, solve each one from difficulties and sorrows, deliver us from the enemies of soul and body and pray for us to your Most Holy Son to fill us with his Heavenly attentions.

Hail, oh Mystic Rose, chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus and also to be our Mother, do not abandon us, strengthen our faith, increase our hope and help us to extend the Kingdom of Christ throughout the world. So be it.

After this, the Hail will be prayed, as well as the Our Father and the Glory Be. The prayer, together with the prayers, should be done for about 3 continuous days. On the last day, 1 white colar candle must be lit, another one red and another one must be yellow.

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