Know the most beautiful promises of God for marriage, here

Know the most beautiful promises of God for marriage, here

Marriage is a relationship that must be unique and brilliant above all because it requires dedication and perseverance. In scripture we find God’s promises for marriage that allow us to believe in this union when difficulties and differences arise between the parties.

God’s promises for marriage

Below are the promises that God has left written in the Bible for the well-being and joy of each marital Union. Many of them are oriented towards love and the need that arises from always seeking the benefit of the other party before one’s own.


“For this reason, a man will leave his parents and become one flesh with his beloved.” Genesis 2:24

The marriage that God established requires important aspects. The first refers to detachment from parents. We are not talking about neglecting them, in any way, but we are talking about creating awareness that once you have started a union with his partner, you must wisely structure your own family and home.

Daddy and Mommy are loved unconditionally, however, we must understand that, like another family, we will settle for the plans and choices we make with each other in this new stage and in a new family. (See: The Bible )

When the verse speaks of union, it means that without distinction they will be able to sit down to design a project where both are included without underestimating one or the other. This includes economic, financial, emotional and family spheres.


“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has united, that man can never separate. Matthew 14:6

God’s unique and unbreakable plan is that the marriage will only be separated by the physical death of one of them. Separation is not part of God’s design, that is why God emphasizes that now they are not two, but one.

There are marginal circumstances of abuse or infidelity that by no means can go unnoticed, that require a radical measure, however, the only agreement that God establishes for marriage is that people remain together without limitations until death thus separates them, before No.


“He who finds a wife finds good, And obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22

Choosing our ideal helper is not always easy, we do not always know how to choose according to God’s will. Many of us only base ourselves on what we want and not on what we really need. When making reference that when “finding a wife, find good” it is because what truly comes from and is destined by God produces peace, joy and comfort.

He who finds a wife attains the favor of God, not only in one area of ​​his life but in all. Since more than an accomplice you have found a complement for life. Remembering that the basis for any good marriage is the support they can give each other and the trust they can have.


“Do not form a yoke or union with those who do not believe. What do justice and evil have in common? Or what communion can exist between the good and the bad? What harmony does Christ Jesus have with the devil? What does a believer have in common with someone who does not believe? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Exemplifying the text a bit, the load that keeps the bulls together so that they can ride in a similar way is known as yunta. In this case, referring to marriage, it must be maintained, think and remain in deep association, with the same thinking and feeling.

It is illogical or contradictory for an unbeliever to establish some kind of union with a believer. The main idea is that both keep and maintain the same faith, that’s why we should be united in Christ, both love and obey Jesus both, to live in agreement and so that Christ is celebrated in everything we do.


“You must submit to one another in the fear of God. Those who are married should submit to their own husbands, as if to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:22 and 23

If both are full of God, are willing to love him in spirit and in truth as their scripture commands, there would be no problem in submitting to each other first to God and then to their partner. When we talk about subjection, we refer to the respect that must exist in the couple at all times, when reaching a conclusion or executing a plan. Of course, all this without forgetting the place that each one has in the home and in the relationship. (See: The Bible and Divorce )

For this reason it is important to establish union with a man who loves, has God as the first thing in his life and overflows with his Holy Spirit.

If we realize that his activities and words are guided by the Lord, we will not resist obeying his command when he decides something for the good of both of us. The ideal love that God gives us casts out any fear, according to the book of John 4.


“Husbands, you must love your wives, in the same way that Christ loved the church and one day gave himself up for her to make her holy.” Ephesians 5:25-26

The great affection of God for his flock should be our model when bonding with our loved one. As an example, Jesus was willing to go to the cross for each one of us and he did it out of adoration, love and obedience to his father.

In general, people almost always seek their own benefit, but in marriage, it is not what God has intended. However, the one who follows Christ must be filled with God’s affection, not seeking his own good but that of his partner, which brings him closer to God and in one way or another blesses him.


“For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and thus is his Savior.” Ephesians 5:23

Everything in life is easier when we let God direct us, in making decisions and in the way we conduct ourselves. Marriage will always be a priority in the lives of two people who want to fight together for a future.

In making decisions, no one should ignore the other’s opinion or recriminate him just because he does not agree, with respect, trust and determination a marriage can grow solidly.

What is marriage?

Marriage is established as a central foundation of society. The marriage association is built between the partners of life, and much of the time also between the starting groups of these, rights and commitments that fluctuate significantly as indicated by the standards that manage it in each general public.

Marriage is a reality that has its own particular way of being, which can and must be managed, but it is not done and must also be characterized by law.

God has made all humanity have the ability to flourish, to grow and appreciate life from the depths, regardless of whether the person stays in union or not.

In any case, for those of us who have decided to get married, do we not expect a joyful life that prompts us to enter into a marriage relationship where we guarantee to love and deal with ourselves, as the scripture says “until death do us part”? ?

As Christians, we will quickly understand that in case we need our union to be fruitful and a really joyful association, we must look in the Bible for certain facts and rules that are crucial and that will help us in our journey as husbands.

God promises an optimistic and rewarding relationship

From ancient times God had organized marriage as a distinguished, joyful and rewarding association. From time immemorial, he made man in his image and according to his unique likeness: that is, fit to appreciate, impart, and do anything. As well as putting him in a lovely nursery where every need of a heart could be met.

 Furthermore, Jehovah God established: It is not profitable for man to separate himself from all others; I will help you. For this reason God gave you perfect assistance, a friend, your individual man, someone with whom to share your deepest reflections and who will love you without fail. The moment God gave the lady to Adam, her bliss ended and she proclaimed, “This is now bone of my bones and tissue of my body.” Genesis 2:23.

Later in this equivalent statement, we read: “In this sense, a man will leave his father and mother, and join his better half, and they will be a handkerchief.” Genesis 2:24. Jesus himself reaffirms this stanza in Matthew 19:5, and further included:

“Then there are no more two, but only one tissue; therefore, what God decided to unite, let not man separate”. The messenger Paul also makes reference to a similar section, clarifying that participating in marriage is a picture of the “extraordinary puzzle”, Christ and the congregation. (Ephesians 5:32)

a sacred relationship

In no way can you ignore the way in which God acts in the human being and more so in the couple. God considers the union to be a sacred and exceptionally high relationship. That was his goal from the first starting point. Himself from the first moment, he gave laws of humanity that would guarantee his happiness, as long as they obeyed them.

Unfortunately, in any case, a show of disobedience made a big difference, and sin entered God’s great creation. In the event that we are frank, we will quickly admit that it is still wrong actions that damage and destroy connections, break the marriage agreement, and cause love to diminish over time.

The vast majority understand that we were conceived as a childish and egocentric creation, with the extraordinary ability to deal with ourselves and seek our own pleasure. This is a horrible formula for a joyful marriage! However, Jesus offers us a mind-boggling cure for this idea in Luke 9:23: “And he said to everyone: If anyone needs to come to me, let us deny ourselves, take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Two hearts

To understand it in a unique and special way, we have to understand that we must deny ourselves and “take up our cross.” We can deny things effectively. For example, when someone needs to shed pounds, he may deny himself and cannot bear to eat low-quality food and desserts. Be that as it may, what Jesus analyzes here is something much more than this. It’s just an example!

“Denying ourselves” has to do with denying our own will and what we want most, our thoughts and requests that arise from our selfish nature as individuals. Due to the fall into transgression, our will often goes against God’s will.

In a marriage, we soon discover that not only do two hearts and two lives meet, but also 2 unique characters with different ideas trying to be just one.

Jesus also had a human will, so he declared: “My will is not done, but yours.” Luke 22:42. Jesus denied his own will in order to do God’s will. In Hebrews 10:9 he says, “Behold, I come, O God, to do your will.” Jesus came to do God’s will in his human body, and it cost him his own will.

Advance in the life of the other

It is encouraging news that God has not altered his perspective on marriage, despite the fact that irregularities appeared on the scene in the sight of the main couple, Adam and Eve! His heart longs for us to succeed, and out of his affection he has provided us with laws that, if we keep them, will free us from our human instinct so that we can discover how we can mediate with our partner in discouraging situations.

The human instinct is to go against what is really established. It is very natural to make false impressions, a propensity that we don’t care about, to express unheeded words or censorship, which can lead us to complicate things in our relationship.

Be that as it may, fortunately, we have the Word of God and its laws that help us. In the event that we keep them, for example, the words in Colossians 3:12-14, we have an extraordinary expectation that our marriage will be a rewarding relationship, similar to the way God needs it to be.

“Clothe yourselves, in this line, as God chooses, sacred and adored, of dear benevolence, of consideration, of humility, of compliance, of tolerance; supporting each other, and forgiving each other by the chance that someone complains another”

In the way that Christ also excused you. Or more to each of these things clothed in affection, which is the ideal connection. This does not imply that we consistently agree or hold a similar perspective regardless.

God has made us independently with various characters and perspectives. Be that as it may, we can encourage each other as indicated by God’s laws of quietude, consideration and benevolence. In this sense, we can advance each other in our lives and be of genuine help to our life partner; for that is what God demands. (See: New Testament )

A relationship of loyalty and shared trust

The Bible says that marriage is generally respectable. He needs it to be a remarkable relationship with respect to the two partners. There is a wrong place for mistreatment and accommodation in the heart and plan of God, nor should it be with respect to man or woman, paying little attention to culture and our past.

At Proverbs 18:22 we read: “He who finds a mate finds that he is great.” God favored conjugal connections from the first starting point, and his goal was to consistently have shared dedication and trust.

As accomplices in life, the couple can cooperate as a group and discover how to appreciate each other more and more, to join in everything that is great. Should we experience this, at that point we can say that we have a happy marriage and at the same time realize that overall it can be better!

In the event that we have not yet experienced it in this sense, there is no motivation to give up and lose the confidence we have of the marriage. We can be positive about God that we can live under his will! God is still ready to support us in case we seek with a sincere heart and follow his laws and instructions, He will give us a new heart. Also, in the same way, in our marriage, we will end up being another creation in Christ.

“Because we are his work, done in Christ Jesus for acts of kindness, which God arranged until now for us to walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10.

In the case of being the husband, Jehovah anticipates that he should treat his partner with much love. He made her as a complement to himself and needs to be treated with pride and love. He should love her so much that her benefits and interests are a higher priority than his (Ephesians 5:25-29).

In the case of being the wife, Jehovah anticipates that she should have a deep respect and appreciation for her beloved and help him to fulfill his work. Strengthen him in his choices and easily participate with him in all his projects. By doing so, it will be truly important to him and in the eyes of Jehovah (1 Peter 3:1-6).

A marriage can be extremely radical. There are “keys” and standards affirmed by experience that add to your joy! Our prosperity is based on our ability to rehearse these keys in our married life with the sole purpose of improving treatment and conduct.

Many women have made it known with tears in their eyes: “My beloved, the love of my life is not addressed to me! It is inaccessible. It no longer reveals anything to me. Even though we share a similar house and similar food, I feel lonely most of the time, I feel like his love for me has changed.”

The breakdown of marriage and family in Western social orders is something we cannot ignore, much less applaud. The ideas are shocking, and would be much more horrible were it not for the fact that a large number of couples respectively live without the advantage of marriage.

Sometimes they only express: As there was no marriage, when these couples are discreet, there is no separation either… something that happens much earlier than if they accepted the position of a matrimonial union. (See: Prayer for the brothers )

What to do when we want to give up our marriage?

The first thing to remember is that marriage is not a perfect partnership without flaws or mistakes. On the contrary, it is considered that it is where the most faults are found along the way and the only call to improve them and change them for love, is yourself.

One of the things that we generally do when we find ourselves tired and overwhelmed by a situation is that we begin to see our partner as the person who is to blame, we see him as the enemy when we really should sit down and fight against the problem not against ourselves.

The first person we must look to for guidance and direction is the person of the Holy Spirit and through him we can speak honestly with God about what weighs us down. God knows from the foundation of the world what we would be and with whom we would share our lives, for this reason we cannot put aside God when we only want to throw away something for which one day we fought so much.

The most sensible thing is to let the will of God be fulfilled in our lives and learn to rest in God, this means praying and begging for our beloved or our beloved tirelessly, remembering that many of the battles from this world in the that we live we can win them on our knees before God, not before the problem.

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