Stations of the cross for christian catholic children

Stations of the cross for christian catholic children

The Way of the  Cross for children recounts all the events, mistreatment and humiliation that Jesus faced until the moment of his death on the cross. If you want to know this path, join us in these fourteen stations.

Stations of the Cross for children

Way of the Cross for children : Accompany Jesus during these fourteen stations of suffering, humiliation and inhuman mistreatment to save us. Jesus, in each of the seasons shows us his love and was willing to sacrifice his life for us.

Jesus did not love and loves us so much that he was willing to endure everything for us, he sacrificed himself for our sins and that is something we should always thank him for.

Stations of the Cross for children : God, almighty and eternal father, we want to ask you to always protect each child, to help them and guide them so that they become good men and women. We know you enjoy his innocence and purity of him, kindness, generosity and willingness of him to always serve.

Children are a wonderful creation, that even God himself cannot resist them, therefore, we want to share this article on the Way of the Cross for children so that they can understand everything you have done for them, for their parents and for every man on earth. the earth.

With this article, we want to help you strengthen your faith, and to you, boy, girl or young person who are reading us, we tell you that God’s way is a wonderful way, follow, adore and glorify, as well as always be willing from the heart to serve others must be our basis for the Christian faith, to be good Samaritans.

In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Before beginning with this Way of the Cross for children , we want to confess to you, Father, and recognize before your greatness that we have sinned in every possible way: thought, omission, and word.

I have been selfish on many occasions, therefore, I beg you to forgive me, because no one is more responsible for the acts carried out by me than myself. Beloved Mother Mary, I beg you to intercede for me before God the Father, so that he can forgive me for having offended and failed you.

Thank you my mother, because I know you always listen to me, Father, forgive me.

Let’s pray:

Beloved Father, you who have always asked us to be like a child, who are your favorites, we want to dedicate these words to accompany you on this unjust path of pain, agony and sacrifice, in this Way of the Cross for children .

Every time a child or one of us suffers, you bleed once again, and today, we want to ask your forgiveness for it, because we know that although there are genuine pains, in most cases we suffer for superficial things, for greed of material goods or an alien woman.

Father, help us so that we can recognize our mistakes and that we begin to cultivate love in our hearts and not cause harm and pain to our brothers.

First station: Jesus is sentenced to death

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Jn 19,16 Pilate handed over the Messiah to be crucified.

Stations of the Cross for children : The story of the passion and death of our Lord Jesus began before the great tribunal of Pontius Pilate, a Roman procurator of the time.

The only sin that Jesus had committed (according to them and the people who demanded his death) was to have proclaimed himself Son of God, the messiah that everyone had heard of, just for that, Jesus was sentenced to die on the cross and handed over by Pontius Pilate , shouting at the top of their voices “Here is the man!”

Message to me: Like Jesus, as a child I have been unfairly judged and condemned on several occasions, however, I must recognize that I have also made the mistake of judging others unfairly and have hurt them, so I will repent before God and I will also ask you to give me strength and forgive me.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to appreciate the sacrifice of giving your life for me so that I can enjoy eternal life; Help us to act with courage and not condemn you father to this  way of the cross for children .

Second station: Jesus carries the cross

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Jn 19,17 Jesus made him carry the cross starting from a place called the Skull or Golgotha.

Way of the Cross for children : For the time, it was customary that every man who was convicted of “bandit” should carry a cross and then be crucified on it. That is why Jesus was forced to carry the cross to Mount Calvary and also have to endure insults, shouts and mistreatment.

Message to me: The cross was so heavy not because of its size or material but because of each of our sins, but the love of Jesus was so great for us that I do not hesitate for a moment to bear any pain for us.

This Way of the Cross for children teaches us to want to be disciples of Jesus, to follow his path and to thank and glorify him for his sacrifice.

Verse to ponder: Romans 5,20

My prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, the price you have had to pay for my sins has been very high, therefore, I surrender to you and I will thank you until my last breath. I offer you my effort to perform my tasks and fulfill my duties.

Third station: Jesus falls for the first time

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Psalm 104,4 Lord, we ask you to protect us from the violent and from all those who want to deceive us, including the evil one so that we act in bad faith and sin by disobeying you.

Stations of the Cross for children : After the great weight that Jesus had borne along the way, his human body, weak, gives up and falls for the first time. With this fall, Jesus shows us that the weight of our sins was immense, but despite this, he was willing to continue and fulfill the will of the father.

Message for me: As a good Christian I have the duty to accept my daily “crosses”: jobs, responsibilities, tasks, however, in many cases I postpone my tasks, I miss classes or I do not assume my responsibilities.

I must follow the path of Jesus, and accept each of my crosses in a loving way and no matter if I fall, I must get up with courage and continue, just as Jesus did.

To reflect: Jesus was able to die for us because he submitted to the will of the father. His obedience to him was absolute. He asked his father to come to this world in human form, to be able to experience as one more of us the pain, the suffering, the feeling of need and suffering, all this, for love.

He sacrificed himself out of love, to save us and so that the father would not unleash his anger against us for so many sins and worships and other pagan gods. With his life, he paid for everything we had done, so that we could enjoy an eternity by his side, full of joy and happiness.

Every time we disobey God, commit sin, every time we go against our parents, say bad words, or offend others in any way, we are accumulating weight on the cross of God, so let us ask forgiveness for it and avoid this type of behaviors.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, I want to thank you for living in my heart, for allowing me to know you and for teaching me a little more every day. Thank you for being an example in my life.

Thank you Jesus, for teaching me that every time I fall I should get up as quickly as possible, so that I want to repent for having offended you, my parents or others.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!

Fourth station: Jesus meets his Mother

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Among those cries of a furious mob was Jesus, suffering, being the target of inhuman treatment, ridicule and blows. While the men laughed and mocked Jesus, the women wept and suffered inconsolably.

The Virgin Mary was the one who suffered the most, but as always, she showed strength and wept in silence, because she was very clear that this day would come.

When Mary accepted to be the Mother of God and to be an instrument of the will of God the Father, she courageously accepted not only to give birth to the Son of God, but also to raise him, guide him, teach him to love God, to pray, and finally, to accept his will. Allow her son to surrender and die crucified on the cross.

She knew that she would die, but also, that she would rise from the dead and return to the right hand of God the Father almighty and eternal.

That fatal day had finally arrived and although his heart felt tormented, he knew that it was just what had to happen so that the Father would forgive our sins and his will would be fulfilled.

Enduring the pain of seeing a child suffer and standing firm until his last breath, until his human body gave up and exhaled his last breath is one of the greatest pains a Mother can bear, but she still did it because she had to obey, it was the pledge he had sealed by giving his fiat to God.

Message for me: The Virgin Mary is and has been a great example for all humanity, an example of dedication, love, devotion and disposition for God. An example of what it means to be a woman in the full extent of the word.

The Virgin Mary, despite the initial confusion, was able to assume with total freedom, responsibility and courage the task that God the Father had entrusted to her. Sometimes, we complain about our duties, about having to fulfill, can you imagine having to take on something this big?

There is not the slightest doubt that the Virgin Mary was destined to be the Mother of God, mother of all men and creatures on earth. Who more than her to listen to us carefully, comfort us, cover us with her sacred mantle to grant us that indescribable peace.

Mary, Mother of God, is an example of goodness, dedication and love, service to those most in need, for those who feel sad or abandoned, and is a consolation for all those who are sick.

To reflect: For the Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary represents not only a worthy example to follow, but also a model. The Virgin Mary is Mother, friend, consolation, unconditional love, forgiveness, a great teacher not only for her son but for each one of us.

The Virgin Mary deserves all our love, devotion and dedication. She deserves thanks for the role that she had to assume, she is the easiest way to reach Jesus and surrender at her feet, before her immensity and power.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, I want to thank you for all that you have taught us and continue to teach us. Also, I want to thank you for choosing the Virgin Mary as your mother and mother of all of us, without a doubt, we also owe her a lot.

Thank you for introducing us to a sweet, noble being, with a huge and passionate heart. Thank you for allowing your Mary to be our Mother. In honor of her, I want to serve you, just as she and her disciples served you.

Oh, beloved, Father, thank you for so many blessings, thank you for being part of my life, for showering me with blessings through the Holy Spirit and for allowing me to love you, God the Father and your most beautiful mother, Mary.

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, sanctify us.

Fifth station: Jesus is helped by the Cyrenian to carry the cross

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Despite the fact that the soldiers saw that Jesus was badly injured, they had no compassion, they continued to beat them, between mockery and laughter, however, at one point, they noticed that Jesus was much more serious than they thought.

He was extremely weak, almost dying, and they began to fear that he would die before being crucified on Mount Calvary. They then forced a man named Simeon to help carry the cross that Jesus was carrying.

Message to me: Every time I open my heart, acted in good faith and reach out to help my neighbor, I am helping Jesus carry his heavy cross. Lord, allow me to lighten your weight and help you, allow me to be an instrument of your will just as your Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, did.

To reflect: Jesus, like us, is the son of the Virgin Mary, therefore, he is our brother. When he baptizes us, moreover, we are freed from all conceived original sin.

Jesus decided to give his body, his mind, his spirit and his life for us. Every drop of blood shed by his body became our daily bread and wine.

Beloved Jesus, I want to thank you for having sacrificed yourself for us to save us, I have understood your message: we must be a great family, love our brothers, just as you ask us through your word. I am an obedient child and so I will Beloved Father.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, I ask you to allow me to help you with that thoughtful cross, because I understand that the enormous weight was for our sins. Forgive me, every time I offend others and act like the soldiers causing them pain in their hearts.

That’s why Father, I ask you to allow me to help you just as Simon did that day. Make me understand the value of each of my efforts. That I must assume my responsibilities and apologize when I hurt someone else.

Allow me to serve you Jesus, I want to help others, those who are less fortunate than me and do not have a roof, shelter or food. Let me be an instrument of your will, follow your path, love you, adore you and glorify you every day, until my body gives in and leaves this world.

I promise not only to glorify you but to shout your name so loudly that everyone wants to meet you, to carry you in their hearts and to serve you. Today, in this here and now, I praise you together with each one of my brothers dear Jesus.

Sixth station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Despite the tragic and painful scene, there will always be someone who feels sorry for us, in this case, a woman named Mary Magdalene had compassion on Jesus.

His face was covered with sweat and blood, his appearance was dying, and even so this woman rinsed his face with a clean cloth, and in this, the face of the Son of God was imprinted.

Message to me: Jesus thanks this noble woman for helping him and taking pity on him. Sometimes, we do not realize that we are ungrateful, selfish and proud, instead of helping others, we are arrogant and despise others, causing them suffering.

Verse to reflect on: Mt 7,12

Food for thought: Veronica proved to be a kind and compassionate woman by wiping the face of Jesus. Her way of thanking him was leaving her face stamped on that fabric.

Just as Veronica did, it is my duty as a son and as a child to learn to recognize the needs of others, pay attention to everything and everyone around me and act from the heart.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, allow me to reward you just as Mary Magdalene did. Every time she helps those most in need, I stand firm in prayer and ask you to help me not to give in to sin.

Jesus, I ask you to teach me to love others selflessly, without expecting anything in return, teach me how to love others intelligently and with all my heart. Show me the way, to be able to help others in what they need, to always serve you. Helping others is helping yourself.

Seventh station: Jesus falls a second time

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : The road is long and it becomes more and more difficult. Although Jesus has Simon’s help, his man body continues to give in, even though his heart is willing.

Jesus falls for the second time and his exhaustion is such that he is almost mortal, but he knows that he must continue in order to fulfill his father’s will and save us.

Message to me: Fall again and again, start from scratch, give it your all despite exhaustion. Every time I fall, I do it because I have acted in a selfish, arrogant or petty way, and such attitudes make me weak and my body gives up.

Every time I have a problem, I will pray to God with all my strength and ask him to give me strength and wisdom to act and express myself in an honest, transparent, fair and intelligent way. I will ask for strength not to fall again.

To reflect: I only seek God in the face of problems and difficulties, but when things go well I forget that he is always there for me and thanks to him I have obtained that achievement.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, you are my strength, that hand that lifts me up in every fall. You are my support and my hope. I thank you for always being by my side.

Eighth station: Jesus comforts the women (daughters of Jerusalem)

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Way of the Cross for children : When Jesus was crossing the “Street of Bitterness” he saw how a group of women sobbed disconsolately, even though he had no strength, he told them not to shed those tears for him, but for their children.

Message for me: I do not want to make Jesus suffer more, much less add weight to his cross, therefore, I feel sorry and ask forgiveness for the sins committed.

To reflect: Jesus died on the cross despite being born without original sin. He paid the highest price of all, but in doing so, he converted many hearts.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to strengthen my faith, to serve others and to follow your path with joy.

Ninth station: Jesus falls the third time

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Via crucis for children : Even the smallest stone on the road represented an immense challenge for Jesus, dyingly wounded, he falls for the third time.

Message to me: Jesus falls and feels abandoned. Jesus lives in us, but also in every sick person, every homeless person, every abandoned man, are you willing to help him?

Verses to reflect on: Matthew 11,28 and Matthew 26,41

To reflect: Every time we feel afflicted, let us seek God and ask him with all our faith; Let us then avoid giving in to the continual temptations of the evil one. Let us always act with good.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, I ask you to forgive me for all the times I have offended you and disobeyed you. I thank you for everything you have done and had to endure for us. Forgive me for the suffering I cause you every time I commit sin in thought, deed or word.

Tenth station: Jesus is stripped of his garments

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Way of the Cross for children : Finally, after a long journey, Jesus manages to reach Mount Calvary and can rest his shoulders a little, however, the euphoric people demand his death and tear his clothes and insult him.

Between jeers, they continue tearing their clothes, and even the soldiers find it funny and raffle off their tunic.

Message to me: How many times have I dared to mistreat Jesus like the soldiers? With my bad actions, mistreating others, unfairly judging my friends… I know I have to improve.

To reflect: If you believe that Jesus accepted his passion and death in a simple way, let us clarify that it was not so, therefore, before this day arrived, he decided to retire, reflect, pray and ask his Father for strength.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, today I want to ask you that just as you were stripped of your garments, allow me to strip myself of all evil, of all malicious action or temptation of the evil one so that I can serve you and follow your path.

Eleventh station: Jesus is crucified

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Before noon came, the soldiers had begun to nail Jesus to the cross by the hands or feet, and the people, of course, were eager to see him exhale his last breath.

Message to me: Perhaps, I could not do anything to prevent Jesus from suffering for our sins, but I can do something for my neighbors, classmates, parents, brothers.

To reflect: The cross for a Christian represents the power to save us, it is the love of God and victory over sin or death; God kept his word when he promised us that he would send a Messiah to save us.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, I ask your forgiveness because for our sins you were crucified on the cross, sometimes I wonder, if you endured so much in silence and even gave your life for us, how can I be so ungrateful and complain about your commandments when these are the way to my salvation?

Twelfth station: Jesus dies on the cross

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Jesus is finally nailed to the cross and raised to await slow death. At three in the afternoon that day, after a long road, suffering, ridicule and agonies, his body tells her that he is about to leave this world.

Before that last breath he asks the Father to forgive them and have mercy on them because their ignorance does not allow them to see what is obvious and he dies. Then the earth trembles, the euphoric mob is now afraid and they realize what a big mistake they have made and exclaim, This man was the true Son of God!

Message to me: Jesus died, but his death had a purpose: to save us. The path that he has entrusted to us is what will lead us to resurrect and enjoy eternal life by his side.

To reflect: Jesus, after the third day, rises and appears glorious before Mary Magdalene and asks her to communicate it to his disciples; Jesus is like a shepherd, and we, his flock.

My prayer: Dear Jesus, by giving your life you have taught me the greatest lesson of forgiveness and love, I want to be like you Lord.

Thirteenth station: Jesus is taken down from the cross

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea lower the body from the cross and hand it over to their Mother Mary, who is completely disconsolate. Her pain is so great that she would have wanted to die herself.

Message to me: Every time I disobey God I cause great pain to Maria.

Verse to ponder: John, 19, 26-27

My prayer: Dear Jesus, your mother suffered the greatest pain to see you die, therefore, I want to be a good Christian, so as not to cause her more pain. Mother, allow us the joy of being able to surrender our souls to the Lord before exhaling our last breath.

Fourteenth station: Jesus is buried

We adore you Christ and we bless you; that by your holy cross you redeemed the world.

Stations of the Cross for children : Near the place where they had crucified Jesus there was a tomb, in this, Jesus was placed. Both the Virgin and the disciples anxiously longed for his resurrection as she had promised them.

Message to me: We are baptized so that our original conceived sin is eliminated, so that we can follow God’s way and attain sanctification. It is also what will allow me to resurrect and enjoy eternal life with him.

To reflect: On this long way of the Way of the Cross for children we accompany our Lord God from the moment he was condemned and handed over by Pontius Pilate, until his death and subsequent resurrection.

Jesus wants us to turn away from sin so that we can enjoy eternal life with him, just as he promised us. May we be reborn and risen just as he did.

Something that I must always remember and that will allow me to renew and strengthen my faith is to believe that Jesus died for us and rose gloriously, demonstrating his power, therefore, my duty as a Christian is to follow his example of life and always obey him in word and deed. .

My prayer: Dear Jesus, although men believed that they had triumphed when they witnessed your death, you showed them with your resurrection that your power is unlimited and is so great that it is capable of defeating even death itself.

I ask you to help me believe that when I draw my last breath, I will resurrect just as you did. You are my salvation and glory beloved father.

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