Prayer for my alcoholic husband to heal his vice

Alcoholism has become a very frequent problem today, which brings much sorrow to the family environment. In this post we will analyze some particularities of this disease when it is the husband who suffers from it, the Bible as a healing instrument, how to make a prayer for my alcoholic husband, an example of a prayer for the healing of this sick person and some precepts of the God’s word.

The Bible: Instrument of Salvation

The Holy Scriptures are an inexhaustible source of words and testimonies of spiritual help to those who turn to them. In it we will find stories of people who achieved what they wanted and what they believed in, and who inspire us to also achieve well-being and share it with others.

Through its reading you can obtain the foundations with which to guide and encourage the alcoholic so that he can face and fight to reach his salvation. It is possible to follow the teachings that Jesus left through the Apostles in the Bible and thus have the exact and timely words to help the alcoholic brother.

Search the Bible for the word of comfort

Some of those words are:

  • Have faith in God that will achieve your healing . As we know, faith is having the certainty of something that is expected, fully convinced even when that something is not yet seen. It is having something more than a belief, more than a conviction of something that is invisible to the eye.

It is very difficult to have faith, but you must trust in the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is the one who animates and impels.

In this sense, it is recommended to listen, read and meditate on the Word of God, in such a way as to be able to count on the tools and the appropriate message to address the sick by alcohol. Through this study we will learn more about the promises that God gives, in order to help mitigate and help in the healing of the sick.

It is said that in order to have faith, it is essential to know the one who gives the faith, hence one must know more and believe in God who promises, who is true and who does not lie, in order to transmit that faith to the sick person.

  • God of the impossible . As spiritual beings we must believe with total certainty that we can count on an Almighty, Omnipresent and Omnipotent God. It is in Him that we must trust totally to guide us in our mission of praying and bringing comfort and peace to the alcoholic patient.
  • The sacrifice of Jesus . This was the legacy that Jesus Christ left us when he died for us on the cross. He left us his great faith, which he demonstrated in spite of all his suffering during the painful passion that he had to suffer.

He knew that the sacrifice that he had to fulfill by the will of the Father, who had sent him, was necessary and that God the Father would save him, just as he saved humanity from sin, thanks to his faith.

All of this was suffered by Jesus and that is how we must let the sick person know about that faith that Jesus had and that he can also have that faith that he can be saved if he trusts faithfully and fully in God’s mercy.

The following verses are recommended below to strengthen the necessary knowledge and wisdom and be able to help the alcoholic brother:

  • John 6:35
  • Romans 1:17
  • Ephesians 3:16-17
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7
  • Mark 11:24
  • Romans 15:13
  • James 1:6;
  • Hebrews 11:6
  • Hebrews 11:11
  • 1 Peter 1:8-9
  • Mark 10:52
  • James 1:3
  • Romans 10:10
  • John 11:40
  • John 11:25-26
  • Romans 14:1
  • Corinthians 13:2.

How to say a prayer for my alcoholic husband?

Coexistence with a person sick from alcohol entails many cumbersome and painful situations, which require a lot of patience and tolerance on the part of the couple and the family in general. This is because sometimes the relationship with the alcoholic becomes aggressive, violent, and can lead to very unfortunate events. So:

  • The first thing is to pray and in this prayer ask God for the strength and wisdom to be able to handle properly according to his precepts the critical moment of dealing with the sick by alcohol.
  • Ask God for advice, recommendations and actions to follow to help both the alcoholic and the couple, and even family members immersed in this crisis due to alcohol.
  • Count on God as the inspiration for that prayer, who has long been and for many the refuge that welcomes them, since he is the ideal person who gives hope in times of difficulty.
  • Asking for love for the alcoholic person, even when it is problematic, because it can cause physical damage, as well as spiritual and psychological.
  • Ask for the faith, forgiveness and perseverance of the wife to increase in her daily life with her alcoholic husband, as well as that of the other members of the family.
  • Hold on and always resort to prayer in order to obtain victory over the demon of alcoholism.

As the Holy Scriptures say for God there is nothing impossible, that is why with Him it will be possible to overcome demonic temptations.

final tips

We can also give the alcoholic husband some advice that will serve for his final healing and salvation after praying:

  1. Trust in God and leave everything in his hands.
  2. Let yourself be guided by what your words say and do not hesitate because that is how you maintain what you are asking for.
  3. Read the Bible daily to keep its word alive and thus increase faith.
  4. Do not allow circumstances to steal peace.
  5. Get up in the morning with God as your first thought.
  6. Give thanks for what has been received and for what will be received, even when it has not yet been received.
  7. Have faith that what is asked is already done.
  8. Rejoice in the promises of God, because a grateful heart is always glad.
  9. When praying to God asking for something, refer to the Words as studied and pray according to them.

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Sample Prayer for an Alcoholic Husband

Lord God, Heavenly King, I come to you in this moment of anguish for me and for my children to help us in this moment of crisis and pain.

I ask you to intercede for my husband who has fallen into the temptation of the demon of alcohol, which has meant the deterioration of our relationship as a couple and the breakdown of our family.

I appeal, Lord, to your infinite mercy to achieve the consolation of his soul and you can transform him into the good man he used to be.

Make him faithful to your precepts, let him return to your path, God the Father. Allow the evil spirit of alcoholism that keeps him doomed, free him from body, mind and soul and be free to love you and follow only you.

I ask you through the precious blood of your Son Jesus Christ, help him to repent of that and all his sins that have him tied to the forces of evil.

Only you Lord can work in his life with your mercy so that he can get out of that sentence and break those demonic ties that prevent him from being the good man that he is, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Fill him, Lord, with love, kindness, meekness, joy for his children, patience and faith in his life, so that he can emerge victorious from this battle.

I also ask God the Father to bless my husband and enlighten his soul so that he may follow you forever.

I also ask you to give me and my children the strength so that we can help him get out of that misfortune in which he is plunged.

In you we trust, amen

Some precepts of the Word of God

Knowing that alcoholism constitutes a sin, since it comes from demonic temptation, we must look for the tools to combat it in the Word of God, in its messages and in its teachings. This provides the necessary strength to defeat the evil one.

Thanks to that word and to the faith that God does not separate himself from the needy, we will help the brother in alcohol to overcome himself and get out of sin. With this we also help his family and prevent it from dissolving.

For this, the Bible offers us foundations on which to support ourselves to help the sick by alcohol and through prayer it is possible to change the dark environment of alcoholism for the illuminated and brilliant world that God offers. Let’s look at some of those precepts.

  • God asks us to get drunk with the faith that He gives us and fills us with joy through the Holy Spirit, because it is the source of divine joy, as Ephesians 5:18 says: “Do not get drunk with wine, which is cause of debauchery; rather be filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18).
  • God the Father knows each one of his creatures, because they are his children and he wants good for them. That is why he feels disconsolate when he falls into the temptations of the devil. The spirit must be strengthened to be strong against the evil one.
  • Likewise, Paul in his writings speaks to us about not drinking too much alcohol, since this can mean the fall or weakness that will weaken us before the evil one who will take advantage of those occasions to catch us in his claws.
  • God also condemns those who take advantage of alcohol to make the weak fall into acts of lust and sin. This he left reflected through Hebrews 2,15: “Woe to him who gives his neighbors drink, and adds his poison until they intoxicate them, to see his nakedness!” (Heb 2.15).
  • The Bible warns that God condemns those who become addicted to alcohol, as this will lead to physical, moral and spiritual ruin and will cause pain to those who love them.
  • The worst that comes off when one falls into the sin of alcoholism is that the person departs from the eternal life that God offers as one of his promises of love towards each one of his children.

Peculiarities of an alcoholic husband

Recent publications reveal that alcoholism as a disease is affecting an increasing number of people worldwide, including all those who have a close relationship with the patient.

One of the most affected is the partner, since they are the ones who must deal directly with him and are the ones who experience the worst moments of the alcoholic’s crisis. Let’s see some of the peculiarities of an alcoholic patient.

  • Lose control . It can be observed in the patient that he no longer has the freedom to decide when to drink and when not, and over time the amount of alcohol and the frequency of consumption increases. The person can no longer avoid starting to do it and has no control to stop, since it is difficult for him to stop.
  • Live on excuses . He uses excuses and lies to go in search of the drink and the right place to drink. The family finds it difficult to follow up to try to dissuade him.

The patient looks for a way to justify why he goes to the bar, indicating that he does so because of the problems he is going through, lying about the amount he consumes and becoming defensive or secretly drinking, disguising the evidence and isolating himself from everything and everyone.

  • It harms your health . Even when he knows the risks involved in drinking excessively, he no longer has the ability to give due importance to the problems that this generates, both physical and psychological.
  • It harms your relationship. Living with an alcoholic is a devastating disease for a relationship, due to the discussions that are generated, the emotional exhaustion and the impotence of those who want to help them. Even when the patient tries to quit, he does not have enough willpower to do so, even if it implies sexual dysfunction.

He is presented with a distortion of reality and he no longer has confidence in what he does, nor in what is entrusted to him, especially as regards the care of his children, if he has them, because he does not have the due control to deal with this task.

  • He is unstable in his behavior. She suffers from depression and emotional disorders, which affects communication with her partner. He has mood swings, is always aggressive and irritable.
  • He suffers from temporary withdrawal. This happens when she stops drinking for a few hours, which leads to her suffering from palpitations, hallucinations, sweating, anguish and tremors, which disappear as soon as she consumes alcohol again.
  • He has mental gaps . She doesn’t remember what she says, she doesn’t keep promises, she doesn’t know how to say no.

Disease or vice?

According to what has been established according to the clinical studies carried out, a vice is a habit that one has of doing something harmful or reprehensible from the moral point of view, but that the person does not control it and thereby harms himself or herself and others.

There is some controversy regarding referring to alcoholism as a vice, since it has been established that vice is a practice that is not socially accepted and that it is generally carried out by perverted and immoral people.

Perhaps this description does not fully fit alcoholism due to the negative connotations in terms of perverted and immoral people, but it can be accepted in that people lose control and spontaneously abandon themselves to that vice.

It is worth highlighting here what the World Health Organization (WHO) points out in this regard, in which this condition is contemplated and studied in many countries. The WHO highlights that there are serious physical, psychological and social results on the subject and on society caused by the behavior of alcoholics.

Now, pathologically, the patient can stop drinking with the appropriate medical-psychological procedure, but also on a spiritual level it is possible to help the alcoholic to control his illness through prayer and religious help.

It should be noted that spiritually it is established that alcoholism is a sin incurred by a person tempted by the devil who enslaves him with drink and destroys both her and her family. Each of the members in some way bears the consequences of that disease.

However, acting spiritually united and relying on the Word of God, it is possible to get the patient to reflect, let himself be guided and act according to divine precepts, which will redound to his benefit when he gives up drinking of his own free will. Therefore, everyone will benefit.

Let’s see how you can help an alcoholic patient.

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