Discover the Healing Rosary of Father Llamas

Discover the Healing Rosary of Father Llamas

The Rosary of Healing , is a prayer that is performed for several days in order to request the goodness of God to heal and cure human beings of diseases and spiritual problems, get to know it through reading this article.

Healing Rosary

The Rosary of Healing is a prayer that today is very much in vogue for all Catholic Christians in the world, currently it has been Father Inocencio Llamas of Puerto Rico who has motivated and encouraged a large number of faithful to perform it, especially in Latin America, motivating them on how to pray and carry out a prayer of love to Jesus.

Each prayer is a content of request to help the sick around the country or anywhere in the world, it is done collectively and people form spiritual support groups where they receive interesting blessings.

These blessings have even had important manifestations and many people have attested to them through the descriptions of their experiences in various spiritual ceremonies, where they testify about cures of illnesses and healings in people with problems of an emotional and spiritual nature.

The graces and blessings that are made in the recitation of the Rosary for healing are specifically based on the love and relationship of Jesus with his mother Mary, where the supplications and requests to Jesus first pass through the grace of the Virgin Mary.

The Rosary is considered a crown of roses where 50 small stones are included that represent said roses, these are offered to the mother of Jesus who recalls the gift that every son should make to his mother, literally praying the Rosary represents for many Catholics a way of spiritual meditation, which encourages anyone to live.

Each mention during the prayer of the Rosary represents the mysteries of life that Jesus had with his mother which are represented through the prayers classified as joyful, painful and mysterious, these help to meditate on our salvation, it is a spiritual connection that is made with Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Each prayer of the Rosary is a small summary of the gospel, the prayers of the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory are used as complements to support the prayer, and within the prayer the mysteries that we will detail later and present their structure are included. and description.

What are the Mysteries of the Healing Rosary?

The mysteries of the Rosary of healing make up a series of very powerful prayers that allow miracles to be obtained to cure and heal illnesses, improve faith in each devout Catholic, and help achieve peace and well-being of each person, it is established under the figure of Jesus Christ who represents the shepherd who gives life to his flock and is structured as follows:

  • 1st mystery that corresponds to the forgiveness of sins.
  • 2nd mystery is related to his retreat to the demon that he tried many times.
  • The 3rd mystery deals with the cure of diseases.
  • The 4th Mystery raises the request to God on how to free him from the evil hour and accept the will of the father.
  • The 5th Mystery describes the peace towards the disciples who followed and loved him.

The mysteries establish powerful miracle orders that Jesus established during his presence on earth, Mary as his mother was an eyewitness and hence the spiritual connection allows connecting the glory of Jesus to the faithful.

The Rosary is called that way, because it is performed through small repetitive prayers, which is something different from the Rosary that is made to the Blessed Virgin, the Rosary of Healing is performed through the Virgin to achieve the blessing of Jesus, which is one of the most important situations of the Eucharist.

It is composed of various forms where small songs and symphonies (songs with lyrics from various passages of the Bible) are added, which are interspersed between the final central part or even at the beginning of the mysteries. The structure of the Rosary of Healing is composed as follows:

Introduction where a previous prayer is made and it is indicated how the prayer of the holy Rosary of healing will be.

  • It proceeds to make the prayer and the different prayers
  • An Our Father is then performed.
  • 10 Hail Marys are prayed
  • Continue a Glory
  • It ends with the Ejaculation, which is a short, very effusive prayer of invocation.


The prayer is one of the introductory parts of the Rosary of healing, it allows the beginning of the prayer, it is made up of small praises to God and requests of a spiritual type, which open the way to carry out a fluid prayer full of great faith. AN example of an introductory prayer could be as follows:

“You are worthy of eternal adoration and glory, praises to the Heavenly Father for this means of prayer that you have given us to address You, of which I now bear witness, we humbly beg you that our purpose is not only to do it solely for you to relieve us in the needs that we suffer.”

“We ask that you grant us the grace to do your will and observe a life in accordance with the teachings of your well-beloved son Jesus, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Another example of a prayer

“Dear brother who suffers because of your illness, or because of the illness of a loved one, or perhaps you are afflicted and worried about some wound in your heart. Or that you pray to join Jesus and Mary and intercede for the whole world.”

“I invite you to join us in asking God, through the mediation of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, so that you receive in your life the action of the Holy Spirit, who with his love for you and his power, wants to heal all your ailments, in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen”.

The prayer of the Rosary and devotion

We already know that the Rosary of Healing begins with the sign of the Holy Cross, then with an Our Father and a Hail Mary in honor of the Blessed Virgin, and after the prayer described above, other actions are carried out.

A reading of some gospels is made, a different one each day to complete a total of seven, always related to the teachings of Jesus, regarding the conduct and action that we must have with our neighbor.

This philosophy of Jesus is based on understanding to help and alleviate the suffering of other people, this fills us with kindness and allows us to obtain God’s grace and forgiveness. Whoever performs the Rosary of healing must take into account that it is an action directed specifically to those most in need and that we have to establish the connection with God and all the human beings created by him.

In each of the “Mysteries” the Jaculatory of the final ration is repeated 10 times with each Rosary bead, always and repeatedly saying “Christ Jesus! Convert our souls so that the men of this century, and of all ages, we can be saved. At the end of each Mystery, a Glory to the Father is also prayed.”

The prayer of the Rosary of Healing must be done with great devotion, observing in the same way our behavior and conduct day by day, our relationship with other human beings, removing from our mind and heart the damage that can divert the true reason why it is Pray the Rosary of healing.

In the act of petitions, very relevant situations arise, each believer must be focused on faith, know that the words of Jesus were related to actions of kindness and love, think about why Jesus performed the healings and why he wanted good of all human beings.

The Rosary of healing can be performed any day of the year, but some priests suggest performing it on Holy Thursday and in the celebrations of Corpus Christi, since they are the most important and fundamental moments in the life of Jesus to understand the conversion of love towards others. of people and above all the directionality he made towards his disciples.

Annually various Catholic faithful pray in order to help their environment and the rest of the people who inhabit the planet, going to Church when the Prayer of the Rosary of healing is celebrated, is an act attended by millions of faithful in the world, who seek the presence and help of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The beginning of the sentence

Although it has been reiterative to indicate its beginning, it is important to always know that the sign of the cross must be established, as the beginning and opening of the Prayer, the movement is accompanied by:

“By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies Lord, our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Then it is said: “Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise.” and a confession is made: “I confess before almighty God, and before you brothers, that I have sinned much in thought, word, deed and omission. Because of me, because of me, because of my great fault. That is why I ask Holy Mary ever Virgin, the angels, the saints and you brothers to intercede for me before God, Our Lord.”

At the end of this part, the sign of the cross is made accompanied by the following: “Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise.” Then, the request for forgiveness begins:

“Today, Lord, I ask your forgiveness again, not only for my sins, but also for those of all humanity. I also want to renew my forgiveness. And I ask you for the necessary grace. I forgive myself for all the mistakes of the remote past and the near past. I forgive all those who in any way offended or hurt me, I forgive the circumstances of life, in which I blamed or held you responsible.

Deliver us, Lord, from all resentment and give us your forgiveness. Give me your peace and your grace and they reach me. So be it, come holy spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love, send your creative spirit, renew the face of the earth.

“Oh! God who has illuminated the hearts of your children, with the light of the Holy Spirit; make us docile to his aspirations to always taste good and enjoy his consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”


The process of the holy Rosary of Healing must be done with patience and gratitude, calmness and the way in which prayers and prayers must be performed allow meditation and concentration, when people are calm and without haste.

After the prayer and the introductory prayer, the respective requests are made, in which it is established what we offer and what we ask for, generally people include a short phrase like this:

“My Lord, we offer this rosary for…. (Immediately the respective request is made, naming the person and the request that is desired) who we ask to put in the hands of your Mother Mary all her goodness to achieve her ……. [(Indicate what the person wants Jesus to do).

It is important to indicate that the requests must be based on real situations and not try to do it without faith, nor are they to please whims and bad intentions, all the prayers of the healing Rosary are based on the good faith of each person.

The act of the Jaculatory

We had said that the ejaculation is a prayer-type phrase full of energy and faith, it is an important component when the Rosary is performed, it serves to motivate, excite and encourage the faithful to renew their joy and happiness towards Jesus, filling us with energy with spiritual words that move, one of these phrases can be as follows:

“Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious Blood, hide me in your Holy Wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your Holy Angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way. Amen.

“By the power of your Holy Wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Holy Mary, Health of the Sick. Pray for us and for all who suffer, Amen.”

It depends on the intention, this Prayer can be long or short, the important thing is the form and the content, which can attract the attention of the faithful and encourage them to be full of joy and great faith.

the tens

The realization of the Rosary, whether for healing or any other type, is made up of the so-called dozens, which are a series of accounts in number of ten, which are made in order to honor the mysteries of the life of Jesus and his Mother. .

The tens are a moment of Enunciation and end with the coronation of Mary triumphant in heaven, the tens are made up of 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, 1 Glory be to the Father and a final prayer, generally five tens are recited depending on the different groups of mysteries, which are usually arranged in groups of five.

There are larger and separate tens that make a difference with the realization of other Rosaries, they are generally attached to a crucifix, so that the count is carried out using the fingers and moving to the next string at the end of the ten and so on until culminating. the cycle.

Before each beginning of a Mystery, and completion of the tens, a short prayer such as the following should be said:

“Lord Jesus, cover me with your most precious blood, hide me in your holy wounds, deliver me from all danger and all evil. Send your Holy Angels and Archangels to accompany me along the way, by the power of your holy wounds, free me and heal me, Lord. Amen.”

The mysteries

There are, as we said at the beginning, three types of mysteries, which contain in their content all the spiritual action of Jesus during his stay with the disciples and his mother. These mysteries take place on different days and are called

  • The Joyous.
  • The Sorrowful
  • The Glorious
  • The Shining Ones

Next, we will detail its way of realization as well as the descriptions of its content, form and the reason for the existence of each one, since and we must recognize it, some Catholics carry out the mysteries without truly knowing the depth and beauty of their context.

Joyful Mysteries.

They are held on Monday and Saturday in the celebration of Corpus Christi and Holy Week, in them the request is made to Mary, about the types of emotional healing that each person needs, in order to seek peace and allow God to perform such a spiritual work on the humanity of any person.

The first mystery, establishes the contemplation and announcement of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary and as it is the Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin, this Mystery allows to request before the mother of Jesus, the liberation of the fear that any person feels before a situation prior to surgery or medical treatment.

This mystery inspires trust among those who are faithful to the word of God and to what is generated by their arrival in this world, where each person trusts in the virtue of the salvation of Jesus Christ. a prayer similar to the one detailed below is said:

“I ask you mother of heaven, to free my memory of the fear that occurred in me, while I was waiting for the medical diagnosis, also free me from fanciful and oppressive thoughts.”

The second mystery establishes the contemplation of the Virgin Mary as the pregnant woman who fights to help her relative Elizabeth, the delivery of fears to Jesus through Mary is established, it seeks to understand misunderstanding and abandonment.

In this way we become aware that despite the ailments that any person may suffer, we are able (as a good Catholic and Christian) to help those who suffer more than us, hence we can use consolation and understanding as tools of kindness. and passion. The corresponding prayer is as follows:

“Through this mystery, I give you my fears of loneliness, misunderstanding or abandonment and despite our ailments, we can help those who suffer more than us, because by consoling we will be consoled. “

The third mystery is to contemplate the birth of the son of God, establish his humility, his material poverty as non-limiting elements, which allow him to be an entirely spiritual person. This mystery allows to establish the permanence and union of the holy family

Knowing that human kindness is in everyone’s heart implies carrying out some very wise words that appear in Pentecost:

“Deposit in him all your concerns, because he takes care of you, I entrust to the holy family, the impossibility of resorting to any expensive treatment, the concern of having to pay for so many medications, the helplessness I experience in the face of the cold bureaucracy of many social works.” 

The fourth mystery allows the contemplation of the Child Jesus, when he appears in the temple through his parents, this mystery allows people to ask for forgiveness and request God’s liberation for having separated many from the Church.

It is considered an act where forgiveness is begged for having abandoned the spiritual life by losing faith when in a peak and dangerous moment of life, the person establishes and decides not to believe in God, this act of contrition, allows to reinforce love to God and the permanence of faith in the heart of any person. The corresponding prayer may read thus:

“I ask God for forgiveness and liberation for having separated me from the church, for neglecting my spiritual life and for getting angry with Him, because of illness or any suffering.”

The last Joyful mystery is considered the contemplation of the Child Jesus in the temple, but at the moment that Mary and Joseph had disappeared, where the child was listening to the wise men and teachers.

This mystery allows us to ask for the protection of Mary, as mother, where the Church allows, together with her, to protect all her faithful, preventing them from abandoning them, helping us to free them from fears, intrigues and any form of pain that may arise in the human being The prayer is as follows:

“Maria, we feel sheltered by you and by the church, as a community to be healed from the feeling of helplessness and depression, and freed from the fear of any treatment and pain.”

Luminous Mysteries

This Mystery is carried out on Thursdays, where a request is made to God through the intercession of the Virgin his mother, in order to consider the way in which people relate to each other, also to consider the liberation of the ties that it does not allow many to be totally free.

The first luminous mystery allows us to contemplate and understand the baptismal sacrament, which considers the power of the Holy Spirit as an object to free any human being from any evil influence that may come to human life.

The sacrament of baptism is renewed, and some say the following prayer: “By the power of your baptism and ours, give us Lord, a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and free us from all influence that the evil one has had or has over our lives. . Free us from the temptations of discouragement, seeking power, jealousy or rivalry.

“Give all the laity who serve you in the church the desire to renew themselves every day, so that, guided by you, they may be builders of the civilization of love.”

It concludes with a passage from the Bible that goes like this:

“I assure you that whoever is not born of water and of the spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, what is born of the spirit is spirit.”

The second mystery consists of the contemplation of Jesus during his presence in Cana of Galilee, the moment when Mary requests her son’s presence at the wedding and the transformation of water into wine, the prayers focus on that moment and the faithful raise prayers and proverbs based on the situation that arose in Cana.

Jesus is asked that in the same way as he turned water into wine, he also transforms our home, our community, the church and above all the country, transforms the sentimental ties that have been broken.

It is requested that it show where the wounds of our hearts are in order to heal them through faith and kindness, use forgiveness as a tool to heal what has been lost among families and friends, transform our way of seeing life just as he did when he turned water into wine. The prayer is as follows:

“We ask you Jesus, through this mystery, that just as you transformed water into wine, you also transform in our homes, communities, church and country, those affective ties that are broken, sick or injured.”

“Show us the wounds in our hearts that are ripe for healing; Give us the strength to forgive the offenses received, so that you bring healing and, what in us had lost its flavor and strength, be transformed like water into wine of excellent quality.”

The third luminous mystery allows us to contemplate Jesus, when he announces the coming of his kingdom, and invites conversion (something that few manage to understand), the power of this Mystery establishes the request towards all Christians with respect to the discernment that allows distinguish the good things from the bad.

It also allows to establish where the joy of any human being has been cut off, helps to eliminate the obstacles that prevent the presence of the Holy Spirit from being proclaimed, and the arrival of the kingdom of God, this opens the way for evangelization.

Another influence that this Mystery establishes in humans has to do with the issue of coexistence in the home, its economy, its well-being and prosperity, to take into account that all movement, thought and action in our house must be established by God. Which helps promote and build better people and helps foster love. The corresponding prayer is:

“We ask you Lord, grant us all Christians, the gift of discernment, to realize what are the temptations that most often rob us of your joy, and deprive us of experiencing your divine presence in us, remove from our daily walk , everything that does not allow us to proclaim with the power of your spirit, the coming of your Kingdom, thus making our evangelizing task diluted.”

The fourth mystery contemplates the transfiguration of Jesus, it is requested before the divine presence of his true solitude, which allows each person to achieve internal peace through the light of the Lord, a small prayer is made that contains the following:

“We ask you, Lord, that just as you frequently called your disciples to go to a secluded place to pray to the Father, you also arouse in each one of us the desire to create moments of desert every day to contemplate your face, remove from our lives all bondage of indifference, laziness or spiritual lukewarmness, which comes from our family heritage.”

“Free our feet and our hearts from the obstacles that the evil one puts, so that we do not participate frequently in Holy Mass and in prayer groups. Teach us with your holy spirit to pray with power, for the needs of the church and the whole world.”

It is a mystery of spiritual liberation where man knows the true commitment and mission within Catholic spirituality.

The Fifth and last Luminous mystery serves to contemplate the Holy Eucharist as an institution, it is requested as follows: “Lord by the power of your blood and your body we ask you to continue blessing and protecting all the Christian communities in our country and the world.

“Heal and strengthen the hearts of those young people whom you are calling to serve your altar and your people, strengthen them in the struggles that they support and that they will support. Give them, through our prayer, the strength to tell you: here I am Lord, to do your will and we always remember what the bible says If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have a treasure in the sky. Then come and follow me.”

glorious mysteries

These mysteries serve to ask Mary for the healing of all beings but at a mental level, she is asked in order to cure sin and free them from negative genetic inheritance, like the rest of the other mysteries, five , only on Wednesday and Sunday.

The first mystery contemplates in our mind the visualization and imagination of observing Jesus after having been three days in the tomb, our mind focuses on the resurrection, and on the way in which he was presented to Mary and the rest of the disciples.

It is used to intercede and ask for the healing of all generations that exist and are yet to be born, in order to save them from the evil exerted by the grudges of other generations, vices, occultism, black magic and everything that exists. received some negative inheritance. The following prayer is established:

“Jesus we ask you for intergenerational healing, we give to Mary our ancestors, relatives and members of congregations who died with bonds of generational grudges, addictions, occultism and all evil with which they have died, and that we have received, as a negative inheritance. .”

The second mystery details how Jesus ascends to heaven in the presence of his mother and his disciples. In this part, Mary is requested the total healing of all the wounds that any person has had from birth until the last days, she intercedes so that every human being can be fully healed of all wounds.

Jesus is asked through the following prayer:

“You, Lord, formed my entrails, you knitted me in my mother’s womb, I put my being and my spirit at your total disposal so that you heal all my wounds, be healed of the wounds from conception, through the months that we were in the womb, and the traumas that may have occurred at birth and the first few hours outside the safety of the womb.”

The Third Mystery is presented in order to contemplate the coming of the Holy Spirit to earth, he pours on the mother of Jesus the strength and love of God’s Kindness, then the delivery to the Virgin of all requests is made, to heal and cure diseases and spiritual situations.

It is specified in this mystery, the liberation of the situations that generate the bad words, the shouts, the contempt and the traumatic actions that affect the human behavior, the inhabitability of God almighty in our being is sought. The prayer goes like this:

“Mary, we give you the healing of early childhood and childhood. especially we give him the auditory memory wounded by shouts, words of contempt, traumatic comparisons, the one loved by God will dwell confidently close to Him; he will cover him always, and between his shoulders he will dwell.”

The fourth Mystery focuses on the situation of Mary when she was taken body and soul to heaven, due to this the entire human concept is delivered, from youth to old age, in order to heal spiritual wounds.

The invasion of love in each body is requested, that love that did not exist in some people during their growth stage, the virgin as a good mother allows us all to be good and adds us as her children in body and soul, giving us all her goodness and love. The corresponding prayer reads thus:

“I give you Mother, my adolescence and youth. I ask you to heal this entire stage of my life, especially my visual memory and my affective memory. order my sexuality, and fill me with the love that I could have lacked in this stage of my existence, confess your offenses to each other and pray for each other, so that you may be healed. the prayer of the righteous has much power, provided it is persevering.”

The fifth Glorious mystery focuses on the crowning of Mary by the Holy Trinity as the Queen of all hearts, the faithful surrender to her and ask for the healing of all spiritual, mental and physical ailments.

Likewise, with the imposition of the reign as a Virgin, liberation from the ties that keep us in sin, from frustrations and failures, is requested, trying to correct and solve affective, family and work problems.

The link with Mary is sought through adoration, she is also asked to grant the goodness and love that are God’s tools to heal the battered hearts of some people. The corresponding lexicon reads as follows:

“I ask you mother to heal the spiritual, psychological and physical ailments that I may have received throughout my adult life. Free me from the ties of sin, from the feeling of frustration or failure, due to affective, work and any other problems, give me my true identity and a personality in the process of constant maturation, heal my body for the service of God ; and take from my heart the fear of the future.”

Painful Mysteries.

They are those where the prayers focus on requests to God through the intervention of the Virgin Mary, healing is requested as the miracle of God that allows establishing true love towards men, so that the will can be carried out and complete God’s perfect spiritual cycle.

The first painful mystery contemplates the agony that Jesus experienced during his stay on the Mount of Olives, in this way mentions are made to ask the Lord for the power of prayer to be able to defeat, just as he did, the negative forces of the demon, who daily attack and destroy the spiritual integrity of the human being.

The elimination of anxieties, worries and everything that is inserted in the mind and heart of a person is requested, eliminating his peace and well-being, defeating satan is the goal of every Christian, not allowing his weapons to enter our being is a help that must be requested in this mystery, the following prayer can be made:

“We also want to ask that the temptations of each one of us be overcome by this mystery that we contemplate with Mary Most Holy, Lord, since she was mystically united with You. Well, she always has been, especially at the time and mystery of the cross. Look now Jesus at the fundamental temptations of us.”

“Virgin winner of all the battles of God, look at the battles we are losing. The battles where the evil one is winning, especially these temptations that make us always fall into the same sins. And that temptation to abandon prayer. That temptation not to embrace the mystery of the cross, sometimes we seek God for the pleasure it causes us or for not having problems. We want to seek him out of love and follow him with that mystery of the Cross.”

The second mystery describes and takes into account the moment in which Jesus was tied to the wooden pole and was flogged with whips. This reference serves to ask the Lord for consolation to patients suffering from diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis or some type of paralysis in their members.

He asks for the blessing of his members and his whole body, in order to seek the miracle of healing, Jesus is asked to cut the bonds of the devil that limit seeking peace in each human being, it is also asked for the isolation of evil cures where magic and sorcery are rejected. The prayer goes like this:

“Lord, we want to ask you at this time for the ties that the mystical body may have, for the wounds that may exist today in the Church, in our prayer groups and in our communities. That Blood of Jesus that was shed for me has infinite value. Lord, “by your stripes we are healed” says the prophet.”

“That is why Jesus, I want Your Blood to purify me and for that tie on that column, that scourging to break my chains today. Lord, let there be no one or nothing that prevents me from doing the Loving Will of the Father, look at me Mother, you who are the free woman, Blessed are you Mary, thank you my Lord.

In the third mystery, Jesus is contemplated with the crown of thorns, his suffering and integrity even knowing that the pain was very strong, he stood up without showing spiritual weakness, this example of integrity, should be understood in this painful mystery as the act of greatest physical courage of Jesus.

The request is made to Mary regarding her help us to overcome fears, to place her hand on our head as a good mother in order to give us her power, so that she can give us the strength to put aside any self-destructive thoughts, of pessimism and complexes that lead to limitations in any person.

It is requested for the mentally ill, for those who cannot control their ideas, those who have lung-type diseases and for those who are limited by some psychological problem, the prayer used can say as follows:

“We want to ask you, Lord, for people who suffer temptation, especially when they pray the Holy Rosary. And we want to ask you for the people who are tempted not to pray the Rosary, to be distracted when they do. We are going to ask for this prayer.”

The fourth mystery we contemplate Jesus at the moment when he carries the cross and is accompanied by his mother who carries the cross, and who is accompanied by his mother, the energy shown by the Savior, allows us to request that energy to heal the ailments of many who, despite having a good spiritual sense, suffer daily due to their emptiness and lack of faith.

It says in Maccabeus: “And these signs will follow those who believe: they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”, these signs are the ones that Jesus sent us when he was in his litany carrying the cross for his crucifixion.” closing the mystery by saying this prayer :

“Lord, when you fell again and again, you were hitting the stones on the road, but in spite of everything, you kept going, heal the ailments of those who suffer because of some illness or accident, the deterioration of their internal organs, heart, kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas or ganglia, touch with your blessed hands any organ that needs to be healed.”

The fifth and last painful mystery, contemplates the love of Jesus when he sheds his blood on the cross, the Lord is asked to consecrate his great power and redeem the bloodshed caused by his enemies, help those who daily fight against terminal illnesses such as cancer AIDS, leukemia among others.

The love of the mother who suffered seeing her son on the cross, radiates throughout the world and allows to open the eyes of those who have the will to help those who are totally helpless, asking her to help them free them from all evil. If your destiny is to die. The following prayer is made:

“We ask Jesus that, with the power of your Holy Wounds, you free us from all diseases in the blood, heal those suffering from AIDS, renew our veins and arteries, touch the brothers who need dialysis. cover us with your most precious blood and we will be saved, help us to stand, as Mary stood at the foot of the cross, being your consolation.”

In some of the mysteries direct requests can be made, that is, the people who are being affected by a disease related to the mysteries that we named above are named.

Litanies offered to the sick

The litanies can be included at some point in the prayer, they are short repetitive prayers that help complement the petitions and allow to request healings and cures at a general level within the process of the Rosary of Healing.

Its content is established according to some passages of the Bible, especially in the experiences of Jesus during the performance of miracles throughout Galilee and other regions, below some litanies to implore for the health of the body and soul:

“Lord Jesus, who healed the blind man in Bethsaida, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus who healed two blind men in Capernaum, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed two blind men in Jericho, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed a blind and dumb man, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who cured the deaf-mute in Decapolis, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed a leper in Galilee, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed ten lepers in Galilee, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the paralytic in Capernaum, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the paralytic in the pool, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the man with the withered hand, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the bleeding woman, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed a man with dropsy, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the centurion’s servant, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the royal official’s son, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed the mother-in-law of Saint Peter, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed a lunatic child, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who cured the possessed man of Capernaum, have mercy on us” others

“Lord Jesus, who healed a mute possessed, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who healed a possessed young woman from Canaan, have mercy on  us

“Lord Jesus, who healed two possessed people from Gerasa, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who raised the daughter of Jairus, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who raised the son of a widow, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who raised your friend Lazarus, have mercy on us”

“Lord Jesus, who raised yourself from the grave, have mercy on us”

These litanies end with the following:

“Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Forgive us Lord, Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, Hear us, Lord, Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.”

“Under your protection we welcome, Holy Mother of God, do not despise the prayers that we address to you in our needs, rather deliver us from all danger, oh glorious and blessed Virgin. Pray for us Holy Mother of God that we may be worthy to attain the graces and mercies of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

The culmination of the Healing Rosary Prayer is as follows:

“Remember, Oh, most pious Virgin Mary!, that it has never been heard that none of those who have come to your protection, imploring your assistance and claiming your help, has been abandoned. Encouraged by this confidence, I come to You, oh Mother.”

“Virgin of virgins and, although groaning under the weight of my sins, I dare to appear before your sovereign presence. Oh, Holy Mother of God, do not dismiss my pleas, rather, deign to listen to them and welcome them benignly. Amen.”

“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.”

 Then the priest says to culminate this part:

Let us pray: “We beg you, Lord, to infuse your grace into our hearts so that, just as through the announcement of the Angel we knew the incarnation of Jesus Christ your Son, so through his Passion and Cross we may be led to the glory of the Resurrection. Through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

“The Lord Almighty bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to eternal life. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Forgiveness in the Rosary of healing

During the process of performing the prayer, some faithful include small rites that are related to forgiveness, a space is dedicated to install it as a way to redeem sins, in the rosary it can be included anywhere or done at a time specific.

This prayer for forgiveness is important to fully develop the process of the Rosary of healing and liberation , it consists of a small stanza that tries to ask Jesus through the Virgin Mary for forgiveness of all sins, one of the prayers that are used goes like this :

“Today, Lord, I ask your forgiveness again, not only for my sins, but also for those of all humanity. I also want to renew my forgiveness. And I ask you for the necessary grace. I forgive myself for all the mistakes of the remote past and the near past.”

“I forgive all those who in any way offended or hurt me, I forgive the circumstances of life, in which I blamed or held you responsible, deliver us Lord from all resentment and give us your forgiveness. Give me your peace and your grace and they reach me. So be it.”

“Come Holy Spirit Come, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send, Lord, your Spirit. May it renew the face of the earth, Oh! God who has illuminated the hearts of your children, with the light of the Holy Spirit; make us docile to his aspirations to always taste good and enjoy his consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The healing Rosary in recent years has a large number of devotees that are performed annually, during the traditional festivities of the Church such as Corpus Christi and Holy Week, however, it is particularly used by the faithful to help people in their homes. , are necessary for a priest to officiate a spiritual service.

The faithful and many clerics consider that when a person prays the Rosary of healing, various spiritual alternatives are activated in the person, which allow them to unite their mental center with the forces of God.

When it is done in community and the community praises the Lord, they activate the actions that promote kindness and love towards all the beings that surround it, creating an environment of unique spiritual energy. Some say that they have had experience at the time of performing the rosary, listening to some very beautiful heavenly songs.

The Virgin Mary has said that the Holy Rosary must be said with fervor and perseverance, since it serves as the remedy to combat any evil that may be present in a person’s life.

There are many testimonies and various groups in Latin America that are carrying out the Rosary Prayer process of healing as a tool to help many people, previously they are told that it is an act of, where each one of those who will carry out the Rosary should have a hope and fervent love for God and above all for the Virgin Mary, who is the one who intercedes before Jesus Christ her son.

Father Inocencio Llamas, maintains a very important Catholic community called the Peace Center in Puerto Rico, which has allowed promoting in other countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Panama, and Central America, the benefits and spiritual power of the Rosary prayer of the Healing.

We invite you to join these pastoral activities as a good Catholic, where surely any chapel near the town where you live can inform you when to perform and participate in the ceremonies and activities related to the Holy Rosary of healing.

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